Leader: Micol Bronzini (UNIVPM-UNIFI); Other collaborator(s):
We estimate the housing needs resulting from demographic transformations at the territorial level. The following aspects will be examined: a) new needs deriving from socio-demographic factors, such as immigration and/or changes in family structure and composition; b) adaptation of living spaces to the needs of older people, especially if they are alone and vulnerable; c) pre-conditions for ageing in place, such as features of the housing contexts, access to informal (family and neighbourhood networks) and formal (like public/private services) supports; d) innovative housing models for the creation of a residential community (e.g. co-housing) for older people supported by appropriate ICT services and technologies. This task is relate to tasks 2.5 (Life courses in old age: retirement, family and residential trajectories) and 6.2 (The future of small and internal areas).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Analysis of EUROSTAT and OECD data to identify an integrated typology of long-term care and housing systems in Europe. To this end, relevant indicators for each of the two domains were identified. A cluster analysis was then conducted based on the available data for 24 European countries. The goal is to develop a typology that allows reflection on the specific contextual preconditions that can facilitate or hinder ageing in place and the quality of life of the elderly population aging at home.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Policy implications concern the identification of prerequisites for aging in place and the quality of life for older people considering long term care and housing issues.
- new needs deriving from socio-demographic factors: Secondary data analysis is set to commence in November 2024 in partnership with Marco Arlotti and colleagues (beneficiary of the cascade call on Older people’s Housing and Health Vulnerability in Italy)
- Adaptation of living spaces to the needs of older people, especially if they are alone and vulnerable: Qualitative data collection is planned to be done at the end of the activities referred to in previous point (Summer 2025)
- pre-conditions for ageing in place: Analysis of secondary data of ITALY dataset on older people's residential mobility (Together with Tiziana Nazio, Spoke 10): completed
Scientific publications: Writing of scientific articles is either completed or ongoing (refer to the publications section).
- Data analysis of EUROSTAT and OECD data on older people’s care and housing regimes: ongoing
- innovative housing models for the creation of a residential community (e.g. co-housing) for older people supported by appropriate ICT services and technologies
- Qualitative data collection is set to commence in October/November 2024
Dissemination Activities: Dissemination efforts have already begun and preliminary results has bee presented in the following:
- General Meeting Age-It 20-22 May 2024 (Venezia)
- M.Bronzini, T. Nazio, G. De Santis, Housing and residential mobility along the ageing process in Italy
- 16 ESA Conference 27-30 August 2024 (Porto)
- M.Bronzini, T. Nazio, G. De Santis, Dealing With Ageing Challenges: housing conditions and residential mobility of Italian older adults
- M.Bronzini, M. Arlotti, G. De Santis, The contextual pre-conditions for Ageing in-place: a multidimensional and comparative perspective
Public initiatives
- Società, salute e terza età CGIL SPI-AUSER 15/5/24 (Ancona)
- M.Bronzini, Solitudine e isolamento sociale degli anziani
- New needs deriving from socio-demographic factors: With Marco Arlotti and colleagues (beneficiaries of the cascade call on Older people’s Housing and Health Vulnerability in Italy), the main dimensions of housing vulnerability for older people have been defined as well as variables and indexes available in different databases.
- Adaptation of living spaces to the needs of older people, especially if they are alone and vulnerable: Qualitative data collection started with focus groups on housing needs and intentions to relocate among older people
- pre-conditions for ageing in place Analysis of territorial differences in housing circumstances and intentions to relocate drawing on secondary data of ITALY dataset on older people's residential mobility (Together with Tiziana Nazio, Spoke 10) Scientific publications: Writing of scientific articles is either completed or ongoing (refer to the publications section).
- G. De Santis, T. Nazio, M.Bronzini, Older-people residential mobility in Italy (in submission)
- G. De Santis, T. Nazio, M.Bronzini, Condizioni abitative nel processo di invecchiamento in Italia: la dimensione territoriale (in submission for the special issue 1/25 of *Salute e Società *, titled "Ageing well in a ageing society: actions, policies and strategies. Invecchiare bene in una società che invecchia: Azioni, Politiche, Strategie”.