Leader: Fulvio Ricceri (UPO/UNITO); Other collaborator(s):
In this task we will implement the risk-based personalized prevention in the EPIC-Turin cohort, a study that recruited 10.604 patients in the period 1993-1998 for which lifestyle and dietary information and blood samples stored in liquid nitrogen are available. In this cohort we will compute a bio-social risk of unhealthy ageing, combining social and lifestyle factors with several biomarkers that will be measured in the stored blood samples (metabolomics, senescence associated secretory phenotype, epigenetic clock,…). Then, we will recall the subjects and we will propose them the risk-based prevention programs of healthy ageing identified in task 3.1 and developed in task 3.2 in order to have a real-evidence evaluation of their efficacy.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
The cascade call for EPIC Turin recall was published. All the ethical and management issues for the recall have been prepared, including a protocol for recall (questionnaires, informed consent, blood retreival and storage). A literature review about the following issues has started: 1) definition of healthy ageing; 2) psyco-biological stratification of population for differential healthy ageing; 3) personalized prevention strategies.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The translation into policies for personalized prevention will be developed after the recruitment of the second wave of EPIC-Turin, when evidence will be provided of the efficacy of personalized prevention.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Participation in a preliminary meeting to define a strategy to identify the possible research products of Spoke 10. The meeting took place in Venice, during the Age-It General Meeting (20-22 May 2024).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Presentation of the Spoke 10 at the meeting “Agevity" organized by Bocconi University, where several stakeholder of silver economy were present.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The systematic review on definitions of healthy aging has shown the importance of arriving at shared definitions that can be used in health promotion policies. In addition, the ongoing review on stratified prevention strategies is highlighting the paucity of research in this area, which is particularly important for personalized prevention policy delel efforts.
Submission of the manuscript Catalano et al: “Definitions of healthy ageing used in RTCs: a systematic review”