Leader: Andrea Principi (INRCA); Other collaborator(s):
This task develops a model for policy making in the field of active ageing. This concept, elaborated by the WHO, if and when operationalised properly (i.e. through participatory and co-decisional tools in a mainstreaming ageing approach) leads to individual benefits in terms of health and wellbeing, as well as to benefits for society as a whole.
The Task will deal with a literature review about ways to operationalise the active ageing concept through policy making. This will bring to an elaboration of a model of policy making based on the concepts of co-design and co-decision, according to the available international framework, at the policy level. Some regional governments in Northern, Central and Southern Italy will be addressed, in order to verify the degree of alignment of regional policy making processes with the model, and to deliver policy recommendations. The Task will be developed by creating connections with the other WP tasks.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Task 5.5.1. This task is concentrated in starting collaborations with activities of other WP Tasks. One of the activities concerned starting working on a meta-narrative literature review on “Transitions in ageing”, by exploring the gerontological field.
In order to contribute to the fieldwork planned by other WP Tasks in 3 Regions, a contribution on developing the topic guide for the interviews was planned.
Dissemination and training: Presentation in the first of 4 Spoke 10 webinars “Mainstreaming ageing and ecosystemic complexity: concepts, models, strategies of adaptation and learning”: Mainstreaming active ageing in national and regional policies (02/10/23. Participation (online) at the seminar at Milano Bicocca (05/03/2024) “Beyond age, beyond the individual. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the aging system”, by giving a presentation on “Transitions in older age through the lens of active ageing”.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Task 5.5 depends on the activities that are ongoing in task 5.1.
The analysis of policies at a national and regional level (ongoing) will be useful later, both for the interpretation/discussion of research data (understanding of the political framework) and to nurture the co-construction of meaning, services, and technological solutions in the territories.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
This task will develop its activities after the completion of the second phase of fieldwork to connect data to policies.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Implications will be developed following the second phase of fieldwork.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
This task will develop its activities after the completion of the 2 phases of fieldwork to connect data to policies.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Implications will be developed following the second phase of fieldwork.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Contacts were initiated with representatives of Piedmont (North), Emilia-Romagna (Centre) and Campania (South) regions, that are preparatory to the creation of networks promoting a governance of policy making in the field of active ageing through co-decisional tools, at the regional governmental level. One aim of this activity is to discuss the results of the fieldwork being carried out in this WP through this co-decisional tool.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The study about strategies to operationalise the active ageing concept at the political level in Italy is currently being deepened, also in the light of the latest regulatory developments at national level. Our activities suggest a governance model to be discussed with the regional networks (being established), that reflects the guidance of a rapidly changing national context.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
The work described above continues, by collecting preliminary information on the analytical framework concerning active ageing and on the co-decisional governance model being developed, to be shared with the networks being established in the identified regions. These regional network will be supposed to include representatives of the Departments of the regional government relevant for the topic of active ageing, and representatives of the relevant civil society organisations on the same policy issue.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The operationalisation of the active ageing concept in Italy will be suggested within the planned (by March 2024) publication of the volume “Accompagnare la longevità. Buone pratiche Educative e Formative per l’invecchiamento attivo” (Accompanying Longevity. Good Educational and Training Practices for Active Ageing), published by Firenze University Press, through the chapter “Politiche a favore dell’invecchiamento attivo in Italia: background, recenti sviluppi e prospettive future” (Active ageing policies in Italy: background, recent developments and future prospects).
Insights aboutthis were anticipated duringthe Round Table on “Bisogni di apprendimento e necessità formative per le Politiche di Active Ageing in Italia” (Learning and Training Needs for Active Ageing Policies in Italy) within the Conference "Accompagnare la longevità. Buone pratiche Educative e Formative per l'invecchiamento attivo" (Accompanying Longevity. Good Educational and Training Practices for Active Ageing), organised by the Transversal Scientific Committee "Apprendimento, formazione e invecchiamento attivo" (Learning, training and active ageing), Age-It Programme, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 26 September 2024.
Outputs are currently in the making.