Leader: Pasquale Abete (UNINA); Other collaborator(s):
Multidimensional frailty (MF) is a condition characterized by an impairment of one or more health domains (physical, mental, nutritional and socio-economic) leading to severe disability in the elderly. The most used tool for MF assessment, frailty index (Fi) has been validated in Italian language (IFi). However, the IFi greatest limitation is the prolonged administration time. We recently validated fr-AGILE with the 10 more predictive items of IFi able to evaluate MF in only 2-3 min. The aim of this task will be the assessment of multidimensional frailty status and related-outcomes by fr-AGILE in different health settings (ambulatory, community home and hospital, acute care hospital, etc.) and with different modalities (telemedicine, etc.).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: This report provides an update on the enrolment of the participating centers in the study "Identification and quantization of frailty in elderly patients in different care settings (fra-SET)" conducted under the supervision of Prof. Pasquale Abete, Principal Investigator, at the Department of Translational Medical Sciences of University of Naples Federico II. Prof. Pasquale Abete presented on 02.01.24 a request to the Campania 3 Ethics Committee for the expansion of the centers, motivated by the desire to improve the representativeness of the data and the applicability of the results, as well as by the opportunity to involve additional highly specialized centers in the care of the elderly in the Campania region, the request received a favourable opinion on 14.02.24 The patient enrolment process for the fra-SET study was started from 01.01.2024 and continues to be a key activity for the success of the study. We have reached 6% of our enrolment goal and expect to reach our goal by the target date. We summarize below the main points relating to patient enrolment: low/medium intensity of care=n.49; high intensity of care=18.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications: Although frailty is now universally recognized as the main factor determining the burden and complexity of care, to date, there is no scientific evidence on the performance of the tools proposed for its evaluation in hospital settings with different intensity of care. Despite the numerous advantages, the frailty index (i.e. the more common tool to evaluate frailty. have the prolonged administration time as a limit of application. To overcome this limitation, a more streamlined tool for the assessment of multidimensional frailty. i.e. "fr-AGILE" has been recently created and validated with a diagnostic power comparable to that of the Frailty index. This index was created by selecting from "Frailty index" items the 10 most predictive of mortality homogeneously representative the four domains of "multidimensional" frailty (physical, mental, nutritional and socio-economic).
Thus, preliminary results are obtained by using fr-AGILE tool for identification and quantification of frailty of older patients hospitalized at different intensity of care.
The enrollment keeps on going, reaching 15.5% of our enrolment goal and expect to reach our goal by the target date. We summarize below the main points relating to patient enrolment: low/medium intensity of care=n.79; high intensity of care=45.
The enrollment keeps on going, reaching 23.3% of our enrolment goal and expect to reach our goal by the target date. We summarize below the main points relating to patient enrolment: low/medium intensity of care=n.115; high intensity of care=71.
The enrollment keeps on going, reaching 39.3% of our enrolment goal and expect to reach our goal by the target date. We summarize below the main points relating to patient enrolment: low/medium intensity of care=n.215; high intensity of care=100.