Leader: Dario Leosco (UNINA); Other collaborator(s):
The AgingPath Ph. D. program aimed to provide a systematic understanding and knowledge of the main pathophysiological mechanisms underlying age-related degenerative-chronic diseases (biomarkers, clinical assessment, and prognostic tools) was completed and focused: 1) to provide expertise on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that determine longevity and healthy aging, seeking new therapeutic targets and new solutions; 2) to contribute to a broader understanding of "Ambient Assisted Living" developments by identifying possible solutions within this technology in relation to the needs of elderly subjects, in particular those with disability or at risk of disability.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: In the last three months, the components of Task 1.6 - Spoke 3 have planned meetings finalized to individuate strategies for the activation of the Aging Path - PhD program. All the members of the Task 1.6 agree about the need to incardinate in the AGE-IT project one PhD student of the "Clinical and Experimental Medicine" PhD Program of the University of Naples "Federico II". In this way it is possible to integrate the known skills of the Federico II PhD course with those developed within the AGE-IT project. Once reached this solution, for doctoral student, is provided a mandatory training activity of at least 12 months at a non-Italian academic or research institution also to promote the internationalization of the AGE-IT research activity.
The PhD student incardinated in the "Clinical and Experimental Medicine" PhD Program of the University of Naples "Federico II", has provided to develop training activities in the context the course through seminars and lessons on the main themes of the AGE-IT project promoting the dissemination of the preliminary data of the study.
The components of Task 1.6 - Spoke 3 have planned the first meeting in Naples (May 2025) for the dissemination of preliminary data of the AGE-IT project. The main issues of this event will be: 1) Demography of aging an trends in survival and longevity; 2) Biology of aging: cellular senescence, mechanisms of age-related tissue degeneration, hallmarks of aging, models of aging; 3) Clinical and environmental factors in the aging process: Methodological framework to evaluate clinical and functional status in age-related diseases, Multimorbidity and frailty, Multidimensional risk stratification tools; 4) Trajectories for active and healthy aging, Promoting Mental Health in middle aged and older people); 5) Care needs for an ageing population; Training professional and informal caregivers 6) Interventions to reduce the burden of age-related diseases, disorders and disabilities, Multicomponent interventions to promote healthy ageing and to prevent functional and cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults); 7) New generation of smart and sensing environments for well-being.
We have planned in May 8,9 2025 the First National Congress of SIGG Young Researchers entitled " The Domains of the AGE-IT Project". This event aims to the dissemination of the main results obtained within the AGE-It project. The preliminary program provides the following session: 1) The cognitive domain (Trajectories of cognitive performance, Communication with family, Preventive strategies); 2) Psychological domain (Depression and screening interview, Mindfulness and psychotherapy, Preventive strategies for brain health); 3) Locomotion (Sarcopenic obesity, Patterns of locomotion disorders, Autopreserve physical performance; 4) Vitality (Malnutrition in different settings, Preventive strategies for maintaining strength and performance).