Leader: Nicola Baldini (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s):
Validation of biomarkers, including circulating biochemical/metabolic and mobility markers as determined by wearable devices, to assess the musculoskeletal disability and the risk of fracture in elderly subjects, also by means of artificial intelligence tools. Identification of radiomic tools to assess the role of adipose tissue in the development of inflammation of articular structures in subjects with metabolic syndrome and to evaluate bone homeostasis in patients with secondary bone loss. Association of bone mass and fracture risk in patients with abnormal lipid metabolism and vascular calcification. Assessment of citrate metabolism in subjects with stones of the urinary tract, systemic reduced bone mass, and tooth loss.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: The research protocol has been registered with clinicaltrials.gov and approved by the Ethics Committee of Sapienza University of Rome. Between November 2023 and March 2024, the contracts for study conduction between the Department of Experimental Medicine of Sapienza University of Rome, Sant'Andrea University Hospital of Rome, and Foro Italico University of Rome have been finalized. One research contract has been activated and another one will be activated by the end of April. The equipment has been set up and the study database has been organized. The recruitment procedures have been started and the first group of participants is going to perform the baseline assessments and to initiate the six-month exercise training program.
Main policy/industry/practice implications: We have drafted and submitted to the Local Ethics Committee the research project “Identification and proactive management of the frailty syndrome at the Casa della Salute "Le Piagge", Firenze, a monocentric prospective longitudinal cohort, non-profit, on people of 75 year-old.
The recruitment procedures have been continued. The research contract has started. External funding has been obtained for paying the insurance for study participants, as this cannot be paid with PNRR funds.
The first group of participants has performed the baseline assessments and initiated the six-month exercise training program.
Additional diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls have been recruited; they have performed the baseline assessments and initiated the six-month exercise training program. The previously enrolled participants have continued the exercise training program.
Coming soon