Leader: Maddalena Illario (UNINA); Collaborators: Michele Virgolesi
Integrating digital technologies in the life course approach to active and healthy ageing based on multidimensional mechanisms driving healthy behaviour change
Ecosystem approach to successful ageing trajectories
WP3 aims to design effective interventions to improve physiological outcomes and diseases-related conditions in middle-aged and older adults through specific exercise, nutrition and psychological approach. This WP aims to: 1) investigate environments for active and healthy ageing; 2) address multidimensional approaches to falls prevention; 3) explore secondary use of data for targeted interventions on specific health domains; 4) explore health literacy and dissemination for healthy lifestyles targeting communities and the general population; 5) design, test and validate innovative and personalized training programs based on functional evaluation; 6) address mechanisms underpinning successful ageing in in vitro and in vivo models – i.e., early prevention of ageing.