Leader: Guglielmo Weber; Other collaborator(s): Martina Celidoni (UNIPD), Nita Handastya (UNIPD), Nancy Zambon (UNIPD).
In this task, we are going to use life history micro data at a multinational level to estimate the causal effects of public policies affecting individuals over the life course on their physical and mental health in old age. The data will mostly be drawn from SHARE – we shall link it to contextual information at the country (or region) level on public interventions in the areas of education, income support, access to health care, disability and old age.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Evidence on organized screening programs and their effects in Europe from the health economics literature: Intermediate report that describes information regarding key aspects of breast cancer screening programs implemented in Europe since the 80s, and link of this institutional database on breast cancer screening programs with SHARE data.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Preliminary estimates will be presented during the General Meeting Age-It (Venice, Ca’ Foscari University 20-22 May 2024)
We are working on «the identification of vulnerable and at risk of frailty persons in the various stages of life, as well as studies on the causal pathways that generate unhealthy ageing” with a focus on “the role of individual socioeconomic status and contextual factors and public policies on healthy and unhealthy ageing”.
So far the research topics are:
1) Cancer screening programs and their effects in Europe: Evidence from SHARE data. We estimate the causal effect of years of regular breast cancer screening over the life course on breast cancer detection and mortality.
M. Celidoni, G. Weber, N. Handastya, N. Zambon. Cancer screening programs and their effects in Europe: Evidence from SHARE data. General Meeting Age-It, Venice, May 20-22, 2024
The article relating to the work presented at the AGE-IT General Meeting is being drafted. We have started the research on the topic “Determinants of vaccine hesitancy among 50+ Europeans: The role of online health information seeking status: preliminary results”
Drafting the paper on the role of digital literacy on vaccine hesitancy among 50+ Europeans.
Advancements of the empirical analysis on the project about ‘Cancer screening programmes and their effects in Europe:Evidence from SHARE data’.
Finalised the draft of the paper ‘Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Hesitancy and Digital Literacy: Evidence from the European countries’ ( https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.17005).
We started the research on "Divorce laws, marital stability and health later in life".