Leader: Giovanni Lamura (INRCA); Other collaborator(s): UNIMOL, LEGACOOP
This task will aim at supporting the development of evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice through a rigorous stakeholder consultation strategy, that will gather the feedback of civil society organisations on this WP’s methodology and findings. This strategy will be based on a clear specification of: 1) the participatory approach of the consultation; 2) the selection criteria of stakeholders to be involved (in addition to those already included, to ensure the largest diversity of perspectives); 3) the contents of the consultation; and 4) its timing. The broad basis of the network of stakeholders engaged will contribute to make the formulation of recommendations a truly co-designed process, ensuring their highest level of implementation and sustainability.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
During this period, the activity of this task focused on defining the contents of the first deliverable planned for WP6 (Dataset of indicators) and organizing the contribution to be made to the stakeholder workshop planned (and then held) in the spring of 2024 (April 16-17, 2024 in Rome), coordinating what was done by the different tasks pertaining to this WP. With regard to the first activity, it was mainly a matter of defining the structure of the deliverable and the characteristics of the information to be included in it, based on the activities of the various tasks under the WP. With respect to the stakeholder workshop, the organizations to be invited to the same, the data to be presented at the meeting, and the questions to be submitted for discussion were identified. This was organized through online meetings held monthly, and in conjunction with the other WPs of Spoke 5. There was also participation as a key-note speaker at the "Forum of Non-self-sufficiency and Possible Autonomy" held in Bari, Italy, on March 13, 2024.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The implications emerging from the work carried out, mainly concerning the area of policy and practice in the field of long-term care, were limited in this period to the dissemination of the initial results achieved (through participation in conferences, seminars and other dissemination initiatives), as well as the publication of the same in specialized journals in the field.
During this period, the activity of this task focused on three principal actions:
1) preparation and delivery of WP6 presentations for the Stakeholder Meeting of Spoke 5 held in Rome on 16-17 April 2024. In Rome, the WP6 reported on the topic “Sustainability of care for the dependent elderly population” and more specifically about this research questions: a) what critical issues and opportunities emerge from the results of the work presented today with respect to the current system of care for the dependent elderly? b) what synergies could be activated between researchers, institutions and civil society organisations civil society organisations to this end? c) do you know of any interesting or innovative initiatives and/or public policies, which are working, at regional and/or municipal level, to support informal carers?
2) preparation and delivery of WP6 presentations for the Age-It General Meeting held in Venice on 20-22 May 2024;
3) editing and submission of the first WP6 deliverable "Dataset of indicators" focused on: indicators for the prediction of healthcare expenditure of Italian regions through a machine learning approach; the intersection of formal and informal care to older people with long-term care needs: selected indicators; performance measurement indicators management in community; new indicators for a more complete representation of home care; residential services for fragile elderly people (RSA) in the context of the innovation of care models: quality in a multiservice framework
1) preparation and delivery of WP6 presentations for the Spoke 5 Conference held in Termoli on 12-13 September 2024;
2) preparation of the second WP6 deliverable “Policy Brief on recommendations on care provision at national and regional level”.
1) preparation and submission of the second WP6 deliverable “Policy Brief on recommendations on care provision at national and regional level”;
2) planning of activities for the accomplishment of the deliverables due in the last year of Age-It (D3: 3 scientific publications on evidence-based recommendations on care provision; D4: Guidelines for end user policy makers and practitioners to appropriate evidence-based caregiving; D5: Laymen summary on evidence-based approach for care provision).