Leader: Valerio Rotondo (UNIMOL); Other collaborator(s): Maria Epifania (UNIMOL); Stefania Giova (Vanvitelli).
This task will address the strengths and weaknesses of legal tools regarding care relationships in an ageing population, aiming to enhance the capacity and abilities of the involved individuals through the engagement and the empowerment of caregivers and providers, and of the care receivers themselves. Liability issues will also be addressed. This task will focus on: i) an overview of legal protection measures, with particular regard to Court-appointed supporters, ii) contracts with lifetime nature for the existence of the person underpinned by mutual solidarity; iii) informed consent, advance directives, healthcare proxy and advance care planning.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
During the reporting period, numerous research initiatives focused on improving legal protection for older people culminated in several essential seminars and conferences.
One notable event was the seminar entitled "Trust as a Wealth Management and Estate Planning Tool for Older People", held at Fordham Law School in New York on 6 December. This session not only explored the theoretical aspects but also delved into the practical applications of trusts in estate planning, thereby highlighting their effective role in wealth management for older people.
In addition, a specific report on the potential of trusts for older people was presented at the conference "Un diritto gentile per la persona anziana" held at the University of Padua on 3-4 November. This discussion proposed using trusts as a beneficial alternative to traditional legal protection measures.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The initiatives undertaken led to the development of strategic recommendations for more effective policies and highlighted innovative methodologies. These efforts have contributed significantly to the advancement of research and the development of new practices in the field of care for older people.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Task 1.5. continued the study of legal and contractual protection tools in care relationships for an ageing population, with a focus on both traditional legal measures, such as court-appointed support administrators, and alternative or complementary contractual solutions like trusts. The trust has proven to be an excellent tool for resource management in later life. Within a family context, this institution offers practical solutions to ensure assistance, care, and the fulfillment of the needs of frail individuals, as well as to manage assets intended for their support.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The ongoing research of task 1.5. emphasizes the trust’s adaptability and utility, particularly as a means to address specific family needs in a flexible manner. Findings support the trust’s potential to complement formal protective measures, thereby offering a dual approach to safeguarding the well-being and resources of elderly and vulnerable individuals.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Task 1.5. continued the study of legal and contractual protection tools in care relationships for an ageing population, focusing on measures such as court-appointed support administrators and trusts, as well as the importance of informed consent and advance directives for improved care planning for elderly and vulnerable individuals. Key findings were presented at the Spoke 5 conference in Termoli (CB, Italy, September 2024) and at the "Congreso Internacional Hispano Italiano entre persona y familia" in Valencia, which provided an important opportunity for international dialogue on elderly protection. Research findings are included in the contribution: S. Giova, V. Rotondo, M. Epifania, La protezione legale nelle relazioni di cura agli anziani, in Avanzare insieme nella società anziana (Il Mulino, 2024).
Additional published works include: 1) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust e misure di protezione per la persona anziana e vulnerabile, in Rassegna di Diritto Civile, 2/2024; 2) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust as a wealth management and estate planning tool for older adults, in Rivista giuridica del Molise e del Sannio, 3/2023; 3) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust e persona anziana, in Rivista giuridica del Molise e del Sannio, 1/2024.
The following contributions are forthcoming: 4) Epifania, M. Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento del disponente anziano e vulnerabile, in the collective volume of the Interuniversity Bioethics Research Center (CIRB); 5) Rotondo, V. Invecchiamento della popolazione e strumenti civilistici di protezione e promozione della persona anziana, in the collective volume of the Interuniversity Bioethics Research Center (CIRB).
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Research in the various areas of the Task 1.5. highlights the interconnection between the various legal tools applicable in care relationships for elderly and vulnerable individuals. The findings provide a foundation for critical and updated reflections on the use of support administration and trusts, emphasizing the need for targeted legal solutions to ensure more effective protection of the elderly, both in care contexts and in estate planning. In particular, the study’s conclusions underscore the importance of developing guidelines that encourage the adoption of protective measures and of enhancing regulations that facilitate the use of advance directives. Such measures would allow for a more effective response to the growing needs for protection and self-determination of the elderly, promoting a proactive and sustainable approach within the welfare system.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Task 1.5 Continuing with the research objectives, the focus has been on exploring the practical and theoretical implications of legal and contractual safeguards in care relationships for an increasingly ageing population. Particular attention has been given to the role of trusts as instruments of asset and personal protection, the value of advance directives and informed consent, and the use of court appointed guardians to ensure personalised care planning tailored to the needs of older and vulnerable people. The research activities have resulted in academic papers that are currently being published:
M. Epifania, Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento del disponente anziano e vulnerabile, in the collection of the Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica (CIRB).
V. Rotondo, Invecchiamento della popolazione e strumenti civilistici di protezione e promozione della persona anziana, in the collective volume of the Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica (CIRB).
M. Epifania, "Testamento biologico" e vulnerabilità della persona anziana non autosufficiente, in Le Corti Salernitane, 2/2024.
These publications contribute to the advancement of knowledge on the legal protection of elderly and vulnerable persons and to the promotion of innovative solutions to safeguard their rights in the context of care and assistance.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Research in the various areas of Task 1.5. has continued to emphasise the interrelationship between the legal instruments applicable to care relationships for the elderly and vulnerable. Ongoing studies have extended the analysis of care administration and trusts, focusing on their complementary roles in providing personal and patrimonial protection. Particular attention has been given to identifying practical legal solutions to meet the evolving needs of older people in care contexts, estate planning and safeguarding self-determination. The research findings from this period have also reinforced the importance of legal frameworks that encourage the use of advance directives and support administration, highlighting their potential to enhance the autonomy and protection of vulnerable people. The studies suggest that the development of clear and accessible guidance could facilitate the uptake of these safeguards, contributing to a more effective and sustainable social care system. The results of this research are expected to contribute to future publications and conferences, and to further inform the academic and practical discourse on the protection of older and vulnerable people.
Scientific Outputs
Books and book chapters
1) Giova, S., Rotondo, V., Epifania, M. (2024), La protezione legale nelle relazioni di cura agli anziani, in C. Tomassini, M. Albertini, e C. Lallo (eds.), Avanzare insieme nella società anziana, Bologna, Il Mulino;
2) Epifania, M. (forthcoming), Disposizioni anticipate di trattamento del disponente anziano e vulnerabile, in the collective volume of the Interuniversity Bioethics Research Center (CIRB);
3) Rotondo, V. (forthcoming), Invecchiamento della popolazione e strumenti civilistici di protezione e promozione della persona anziana, in the collective volume of the Interuniversity Bioethics Research Center (CIRB).
Journal articles
1) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust e misure di protezione per la persona anziana e vulnerabile, in Rassegna di Diritto Civile, 2/2024; https://esidigita.it/images/stories/virtuemart/product/9924205000.pdf
2) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust as a wealth management and estate planning tool for older adults, in Rivista giuridica del Molise e del Sannio, 3/2023; https://www.edizioniesi.it/e-shop/estratti-pdf/rivista-giuridica-molise-sannio/rivista-giuridica-del-molise-e-del-sannio-2023/rivista-giuridica-del-molise-e-del-sannio-3-2023/trust-as-a-wealth-management-and-estate-planning-tool-for-older-adults.html
3) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust e persona anziana, in Rivista giuridica del Molise e del Sannio, 1/2024; https://www.edizioniesi.it/e-shop/estratti-pdf/rivista-giuridica-molise-sannio/rivista-giuridica-del-molise-e-del-sannio-2024/rivista-giuridica-del-molise-e-del-sannio-1-2024/trust-e-persona-anziana.html
4) Epifania, M. (forthcoming), «Testamento biologico» e vulnerabilità della persona anziana non autosufficiente, Le Corti Salernitane, 2/2024.
Dissemination events and other (conference papers and proceedings, seminars, schools)
1) Epifania, M.(2023), Trust as Wealth Management and Estate Planning Tool for the Elderly: A Comparative Study between the United States and Italy, Visiting Scholar and Research Seminar Series 2023, Fordham Law School di New York;
2) Epifania, M. (2024), Trust a favore della persona anziana, in Un diritto gentile per la persona anziana, Proceedings of the conference “Un diritto gentile per la persona anziana”, Padua, November 3-4, 2023, Pacini Editore, 2024 (currently in press); https://www.spgi.unipd.it/convegno-un-diritto-gentile-la-persona-anziana
3) Epifania, M. (2024). Trust as a protection measure for elderly and vulnerable people. Age-It Spoke 5 Meeting, Sustainability of elder care systems in an ageing society, University of Molise, Termoli (CB, Italy), September 11-13, 2024; https://age-it.github.io/spoke5.github.io/#venue
4) Rotondo, V. (2024), Protection and promotion of the ageing population. Age-It Spoke 5 Meeting, Sustainability of elder care systems in an ageing society, University of Molise, Termoli (CB, Italy), September 11-13, 2024; https://age-it.github.io/spoke5.github.io/#venue
5) Rotondo V. (2024), Instrumentos civilísticos de tutela e promoción del anciano vulnerable, II Encuentro Internacional Hispano Italiano de Derecho de Familia, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia (Spain), September 23-24, 2024; https://www.catedraderechonotarial.es/ii-encuentro-internacional-hispano-italiano-de-derecho-de-familia/
6) Epifania M. (2024), Los derechos del cónyuge supérstite. Perspectivas de iure condendo, II Encuentro Internacional Hispano Italiano de Derecho de Familia, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia (Spain), September 23-24, 2024. https://www.catedraderechonotarial.es/ii-encuentro-internacional-hispano-italiano-de-derecho-de-familia/