Leader: Marco Domenicali (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s): UNIMOL
We will enrol primary caregivers of outpatients with dementia who need 24-hour assistance. Caregiver and patient clinical history, multidimensional frailty, nutrition, history of falls, routine blood and instrumental tests will be collected at enrolment. At 3-month intervals for 1 year, a dedicated web-app (cf. Task 1) will collect caregiver data from wearable sensors, diaries, and questionnaires (Task 3), caregiver socio-demo indicators (Task 4), with specific focus on migrant caregivers (Task 5). Caregivers and their patients will be randomly assigned to an intervention arm (with the app providing red-flag alerts to case managers -Task 1- and supporting caregiver empowerment) and a control arm (standard care).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
The activity carried out by WP2 achieved the following objectives:
We are currently working to define with the caregiver associations on the optimization of the web app before starting with the recruitment process. In addition, we are organizing a testing phase of the app with the Patient Advisory Board that was formed after conducting the focus groups.
In addition, a scoping review was designed on the use of sensors to monitor the health of caregivers of people with dementia. The protocol for that review was published in Open Science Framework and screening of articles in the literature began.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
This project will have clinical implications for improving the monitoring of the health status of caregivers of people with dementia. Caregivers will thus be able to become aware of any physical and psychological frailties so that they can take action to mitigate them, thereby also improving the health of the care-receiver.
At the same time, caregiver associations will be able to understand what their members' problems are and intervene with more personalized interventions.
We have created the final version of the caregiver monitoring application; the debbugging phase is over. In addition, we have continued the activity of engaging the caregiver associations.
We have created the final version of the caregiver monitoring application; the debbugging phase is over. In addition, we have continued the activity of engaging the caregiver associations.
We proceeded with the purchase of the sensors and the part of the application was developed to download the data coming from the sensors.
We have developed the manual for caregivers.
We have carried out awareness-raising events to involve caregivers in the Ravenna and Bologna area (we have planned 3 public meetings for the period September- December) involving caregiver associations and citizens.
We have performed the final test of the entire software and hardware apparatus before starting the enrollement.