Leader: Alessandro Silvani (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s): UNIBO
The current WP will develop personalized e-health-based care plans for patients with heart and respiratory failure enrolled at hospital discharge following acute decompensation. In this task e-health researchers and the medical team will select multiparametric sensors for physiological variables recordings during daytime and nighttime to be coupled with the e-health platform. Medically certified device selection will be performed based on a systematic review of the scientific literature and personalized care-plans for patients with heart and respiratory failure. Moreover, application for self-administered tests and functional assessment and point of care tools will selected and integrated in the e-health platform.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
The process of monitoring devices production is at its final stage.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
A tight collaboration between the research multidisciplinary team and devices manufactures is ongoing to set-up monitoring devices operational characteristics.
Set-up of experimental monitoring devices to be used in the observational study is ongoing with a 3-4 months of delay. This is mostly due to shortening of electronic supplies needed for devices assembly.
The e-health based patients and caregiver management platform has almost been completed and coupled with the available wearable oxygen saturation, ECG and temperature monitoring devices. Although not completed, the platform's core functions have been showed in the meeting held in Termoli (CB) on the 12 of september.