Leader: Gianluca Testa (UNIMOL); Other collaborator(s): UNIBO/UNIMOL
Cardio respiratory dysfunction is frequently associated with bone metabolism dysfunction with significant implication in falls, chronic pain and disability. In this task mobility and pain assessment will be performed throughout the duration of the study to prevent worsening of functional impairment and the onset of disability in selected subsets of patients and caregivers.
During the study interim analyses will be performed to verify patients and caregivers functional disability onset and progression. These activities will prompt patients and caregiver engagement and continuous education program to case managers.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
The customization of a web application for dyads functional assessment (i.e. 6-minute walking test), for quality of life assessment, caregiver-patient dyad relationship and technology usability to be connected to the e-health patients management platform is underway
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
A tight collaboration between the reasearch multidisciplinary team and web applications manufactures is ongoing to set-up functional assessmet e-tools.
Web applications for dyads functional assessment (i.e. 6-minute walking test), for quality of life assessment, caregiver-patient dyad relationship and technology usability to be connected to the e-health patients management platform is reaching his final stage. As reported in Task#1 a web app for frailty screening and assessment will be included in the set of tests for dyads assessment.
The e-health based patients and caregiver management platform has almost been completed and coupled with the available wearable monitoring devices. Although not completed, the platform's core functions have been showed in the meeting held in Termoli (CB) on the 12 of september.