Leader: Marco Domenicali (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s): UNIMOL
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. In older people, COPD is very frequent and is associated with frailty and disability. Climate and pollution may impact on COPD reactivation and hospital admission for acute respiratory failure. These environmental conditions, however, vary considerably across different urban/rural areas, across the Country, and within different places within urban environments. The aim of this WP is to carry out a pilot study an analyze the extent to which macro/meso level, geo located climate and pollution measurements (provided by the Regional Agency of Environment Protection) are associated with COPD hospital admission, and how this relations vary acorss different territorial contexts. This knowledge would lead to the development of amn experimental model to predict the incidence of respiratory failure based on climate and pollution metrics to optimize prevention of COPD-related complications in older patients.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
A feasibility study was carried out to combine the data base from Arpa Emilia Romagna on pollution and the data on attendance at the emergency rooms of the local health authority company. Based on the results obtained Task 3 prepared the material to submit to the ethics committee. Based on the first findings obtained, Task 3 has the possibility of carrying out a retrospective study over a period of at least 5 years across the entire Romagna area which will allow to verify the impact of climate changes (periods of drought and heat waves) and emergency room visits due to respiratory failure.
The feasibility study has been continued to combine the data base from Arpa Emilia Romagna on pollution and the data on attendance at the emergency rooms of the local health authority company.
A retrospective study over a period of at least 5 years across the entire Romagna area which will allow to verify the impact of climate changes (periods of drought and heat waves) and emergency room visits due to respiratory failure has been continued.
Meli, E. & Tomassini, C. (2024). Gli scambi di aiuto in Italia. In Tomassini, C., Albertini, M., & Lallo, C., a cura di, Avanzare insieme nella società anziana: Considerazioni multidisciplinari sulla domanda di assistenza agli anziani in Italia. Bologna: Il Mulino.