Leader: Luisa Corazza (UNIMOL); Other collaborator(s): (UNIMOL)
Care-work is a significant field of research for the labour market: on the one side, the strong presence of female workers leads to a dynamic of segregation, exclusion and exploitation; on the other side, ageing claims for greater investment in long-term care services, together with the growing female employment rate in the labour market, which has decreased the availability of unpaid care work. The lack of adequate economic resources, the shortage of workforce and the under-financing of personal assistance as a consequence of the privatisation of care services heavily affected working conditions in care sector. The recent Italian reform on older people (law n.33/2023) defines measures aimed at improving home and continuous care for dependent older people and their families (caregivers), as well as promoting policies in favour of active ageing. Additionally, the pandemic stressed the role of care-work in areas that are naturally disadvantaged from a geographical point of view, such as remote, mountainous or sparsely populated areas (so called “inner areas”). This task will:
- detecting main distribution channels of care services (family welfare, also known as “Do It Yourself Welfare”; territorial welfare, the latter characterized by territorial/regional policies/interventions);
- verifying whether the shortage of long-term care services (which, at a national level, has favoured family welfare) represents, in inner areas, a factor of attraction for the migrant population, in particular for foreign women who can be employed in care sector;
- counting actions, best practices and virtuous examples that can be implemented at the local/regional level to address challenges associated with active ageing, also from the point of view of care worker protection;
- analysing regional regulation that can systematize interventions, actors and resources concerning the care sector in an organic and integrated way;
- measuring the efficiency so called “proximity services” in inner areas, in order to monitor emerging needs as well as the promotion of active ageing.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: The research activity of Task 6 focused on the following points:
- Study and initial analysis of the Legislative Decree March 11, 2024 on provisions on policies in favor of older people, implementing the delegation of authority in Articles 3, 4 and 5 of l. March 23, 2023, no. 33;
- care work and wage issue (collective bargaining in the care sector, minimum wages);
- "informal" care work and labor exploitation, with special reference to women's work;
- "informal" care work and instruments of labor law protection.
Coming soon
Coming soon
- Frida Milella, Maria Teresa Ambrosio, Luisa Corazza, Stefania Bandini, Ontology-based approach in a conversational system: a multidisciplinary research proposal for assisting informal caregivers. In: “Age-IT General meeting”, Venezia, 20-22 maggio 2024.
- L. Corazza, Per le aree interne la salvezza arriva dalla scuola, Il Sole 24 Ore, 9 aprile 2024, n. 98.
- L. Corazza, Crisi trascurata e troppi ritardi: ora non va sprecata la carta del PNRR, Il Sole 24 Ore, 17 marzo 2024, n. 76.
- L. Corazza, Le aree interne e il rischio di una eterna marginalità, Il Sole 24 Ore, 8 marzo 2024.
- L. Corazza, Aree interne e cultura dello scarto nel magistero del Papa, Il Sole 24 Ore, 14 febbraio 2024.
- Presente e futuro delle aree interne, Luisa Corazza «Grandi opportunità ma l’autonomia differenziata può aumentare gli squilibri», corrieredellacalabria.it, 26 gennaio 2024, (Intervista a Luisa Corazza, direttrice del centro ArIA).
- L. Corazza, Il welfare territoriale disegnato su misura per le aree interne, Il Sole 24 Ore, 30 dicembre 2023.
- L. Corazza, Quando il turismo slow aiuta a valorizzare le aree interne, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2 dicembre 2023.
- L. Corazza, Aree interne cruciali per l’equilibrio idrogeologico, Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 novembre 2023.
- L. Corazza, Il futuro delle aree interne è nelle mani delle donne?, Il Sole 24 Ore, 7 novembre 2023.