Leader: Daniela Grignoli (UNIMOL); Other collaborator(s): Antonella Golino (UNIMOL)
The purpose of this task is to build a structured, multidisciplinary training course for Social Service professionals working with older people with dementia, thus aimed at formal caregivers, with the dual objective of increasing the quality of care and, at the same time, making knowledge not an asset of a “chosen few” but a tool available to the many who will be able to access the “training model” at a time and in a manner that suits them. The training course will be used as testing for social service professionals but will be usable, especially for the more theoretical models, by other professionals.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
The ultimate goal of the “training model” is to be useful for operationalization and to build training capable of considering the scenes of care as interactive models by adhering to a demand for the “active role” of the person in care, through a structured and personalized process, with positive repercussions on the promotion of care and care of older people with dementia and on the sustainability of welfare. Thus, in accordance with the relevant literature, training dedicated to Social Service professionals will be geared toward co-constructing care for older people with dementia.
In addition to materials aimed at conveying basic knowledge on aspects related to dementia as an age-related disease, training materials will be offered aimed at increasing technical, relational, and communication skills necessary to ensure a high level of quality of care and care for the elderly.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Regarding the content of the training model, the following activities will be carried out:
Each task conducted a literature review regarding its topic of expertise. In this case, the literature review aimed to systematize the knowledge gained through the analysis of literature in relation to the training needs of formal caregivers, professional caregivers and social workers and to the conceptual and practical tools regarding the integrated and person-centered care models.
Each task participated in data collection to co-design the platform and its content. Specifically, this task participated conducted the interviews and focus groups with foreign family care assistants and social workers.
Moreover, contributions were presented at national and international conferences.
Each task participated in the construction and revision of the lessons that will constitute the content of the platform. Specifically, this task prepared the following learning modules: person-centered care, practical techniques for working alongside the person with dementia, home management, ethical and legal aspects, technologies and active ageing, care relationships, territorial networks and services, basi elements of dementia, the biographical folder of the patient, medical and legal aspect of non-self sufficiency.
Moreover, contributions were presented at national and international conferences.
During this period, significant progress was made in reviewing and refining the learning modules, ensuring their relevance, clarity, and alignment with the needs of social service professionals.
Furthermore, members of this task started collaborating with the external company hired to design the e-learning platform. Meetings were held to review progress, provide feedback, and ensure that the design and development of the platform can be closely aligned with the needs identified in the co-design phase. This collaboration ought to allow for the integration of user-centered features into the platform, with particular attention to user experience, usability, and functionality. The research team aim to ensure that all technological developments remain consistent with the project’s goals of accessibility, equity, and social inclusion.
Furthermore, contributions continued to be presented at national and international conferences.