Leader: Gianfranco Santoro (INPS); Other collaborator(s): Giuseppe Pio Dachille (INPS), Agar Brugiavini (UNIVE)
Estimate the profiles of working careers and other socio-economic characteristics with good quality administrative data on wages/earnings over the life course (INPS) and information about spells out of work (including health related absence from work), plus knowledge of institutional changes such as retirement ages.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Econometric analysis of the dynamics of the working careers of Italian workers and their employability prior to retirement. The empirical analysis uses administrative population register social security data of INPS.
Indicators of workers’ employability along the life course were constructed. The empirical strategy exploit workers exposed to a mass-layoff (e.g. exogenous labor market shock) between 2012 and 2021. Recovering workers trajectories in the “estratti conto” up to 10 years after the shock to investigate the long-run effects in terms of employment and dependance on welfare and comparing the profiles of the old (over 50) to those of the young (aged 30-50).
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Documented individuals’ working career as continuous or a fragmented working path and the consequences on workers’ contribution to social security and for eligibility for a pension at older age.
Estimate the societal impact of the design of welfare measures
1. A detailed map of individuals’ working career looking at fragmented working paths and the consequences on workers’ contribution to social security and for eligibility for a pension at older age.
2. Estimates of the impact of tertiary education availability on long-term labor market outcomes.
3. Estimates of the impact of the digital and green transition on the employability of older workers.
4. Estimates of organizational well-being on firm-level turnover rates and the overall financial performance of firms, as measured by per capita value added and by Return On Assets (ROA) indicators.
5. Estimates of the relevance for the organization of work and the investment in ICT skills and about the role of social partnerships and collective bargaining for counterbalancing risks of job insecurity and difficulty to make ends meet of older workers.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Identification of the most common "triple" paths at 1, 5 and 10 years after mass-layoff of employment, welfare or pension statuses of the considered sample and tabulation of these outcomes, splitted in laid-off workers aged 51-57 and 58-65 (also with gender heterogeneity)
Estimates produced over the universe of mass-laid off workers between 2012-2022 rather than a sample, thanks to the requested "Estratti conto" database.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Identification of the most common "triple" paths at 1, 5 and 10 years after mass-layoff of employment, welfare or pension statuses
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Estimate the profiles of working careers and other socio-economic characteristics with good quality administrative data on wages/earnings over the life course (INPS) and information about spells out of work (including health related absence from work), plus knowledge of institutional changes such as retirement ages.
Dissemination Events:
- Workshop, held in Rome - 14th June 2023- which saw the participation of researchers involved Spoke 6, as well as stakeholder, representatives of Italian institutions, and policymakers. It fostered public debate on the preliminary results obtained by Spoke 6 and on the next steps. The main presentation in the program were:
- Lucifora C. “Managing Age between and within firms in an Aging Society: Implications for firms’ efficiency and workers’ well-being"
- Brilli Y., E. Cottini “Recent Developments on Empowering Older People and Older Workers: Human Capital and Productivity”
- Workshop at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (July 2023), in which Ca’ Foscari researchers shared their advancement Age-It inviting other researchers from other projects (researchers from Spoke 6 and 7 were involved)
- A Workshop PNRR-UCSC Age-It held at Catholic University of Milan on October 18 and 19, 2023 (titled “AGE-IT”: the Contribution of Medical and Social Sciences)
- Ylenia Brilli and Elena Cottini participated to an event of Stakeholder Engagement on October 25 in Milan, in which researchers from Age-It meet stakeholders and policy makers.
- AGE-It General Meeting. Age-It announced the Call for Papers for the General Meeting, organized by Spoke 6, which took place in Venice at the Ca’ Foscari University from May 20th to May 22nd at San Giobbe Economic Campus – Cannaregio 873 – 30121 Venice. During the meeting, parallel sessions were hold dedicated to the research conducted by members of the Age-It community. Each session focused on a broad theme with contributions from various disciplines. Every session emphasized the implications of the research for practice and policies in the biomedical, demographic, social, and economic fields, and/or on technological innovation. The General Meeting was an important dissemination event that reached and engaged more than 400 participants. The main results presented and discussed at the Age-It general meeting, received significant attention by the research community and are expected to influence both practice and policies for an active and healthy ageing.
- A Qualitative Survey of Measures for Older Workers in Italy", General Meeting Age-It – Rethinking an ageing society, Venezia, May 20-22, 2024); Errichiello, L., Falavigna, G. (2024), "Does a one-size-fits- all approach to job insecurity work? An empirical investigation of predictors across the working life", 7th International Conference on Aging & Technology Fair (eng)aging!, Prague, June 20-21, 2024
- (con Falavigna, G,) Track "SO.02 - Addressing the key challenges of ageing workforce: the role of job security and work-life balance", giovedi 5 ottobre 8.30-10.30, XLV Scientific Annual Conference, AISRE, Turin, September 4-6, 2024
- "Siamo Troppi o Troppo Pochi?" (section related to silver economy), organized by the Statistical Department of University of Padua and by the Chamber of Commerce of Padua in September 24-25 2024 at Abano Terme (Padua).
- partecipazione alla Notte Europea della Ricerca (Torino) con l'organizzazione e presenza all'evento "Invecchiare lavorando?" Partecipa alla nostra ricerca! (co-organizzato con CNR IrCreS e Cattolica di Milano)
Scientific Outputs:
- Cappellari L., A. Albanese, M. Ovidi, “Earning ability and workers’ ageing”, mimeo, 2023.
- Brilli Y., E. Cottini, P. Ghinetti, G. Moroni and F. Parodi, Supply of tertiary education, working careers, firms’ composition and performanc, mimeo, 2023.
- Crapolicchio E., E. Franzetti, C. Lucifora and C. Manzi “Managing Age between and within firms in an Aging Society. Implications for firms’ efficiency and workers’ well-being.”, mimeo, 2023 .
- Errichiello L., G. Falavigna, T. Toffanin, “The silver economy and implications for work and welfare”, mimeo, 2023 .
- Brugiavini A., R. E. Buia, D. Cavapozzi and I. Simonetti, “Does remote working increase the labour supply of older workers? “, mimeo, 2023.
- D’Achille M. e M. Paiella, I lavoratori in età adulta: occupabilità pre-pensionamento e carriere lavorative; mimeo, 2023.
- Belloni M., C. Lucifora and P. Micera “Working conditions and health at work over the life-course: preliminary evidence for Europe”, mimeo, 2023.
- Crudu P., G. Pasini “Italian Employment Landscapes: Unveiling Diverse Career Trajectories”, mimeo, 2023.
- XXIII Rapporto Annuale INPS, Capitolo 4, Par.4.5, pp 324-329 (Institutional Report)