Leader: Tiziana Tesauro (CNR); Other collaborator(s): Gabriella Piscopo (UNINA), Lorenzo CAPPELLARI (UNICATT)
Map the available welfare provisions and their changes in relation to the socio-economic and health characteristics of individuals, including local level interventions. Assess the degree of coverage (potential demand for benefits versus actual coverage and any mismatch ) and the long-term impact of policies through econometric estimates and impact evaluation methodology. Longitudinal data, contextual variables (INPS Archives on disability benefits). Identify the timing/transitions when older people (groups in the population) are most at risk of poverty or financial distress. Collect information on different models of integrated welfare in order to assess the most effective arrangements. Draw a map of integrated welfare (including occupational pensions.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Creating a map of the 'geography of retirement' in terms of services, purchasing power, and amenities in relation to welfare provisions, and to assess the degree of welfare coverage and any mismatches through impact evaluation. Using the Non-Self-Sufficiency Reports and the Non-Self-Sufficiency Plans, available at https://www.luoghicura.it/le-pubblicazioni-di-nna/ and https://www.lavoro.gov.it/temi-e-priorita/disabilitae-non-autosufficienza/focus-on/Fondo-per-non-autosufficienza/Documents/Piano-Non-Autosufficienza2022. Analysis of the growth in the demand for care in relation to the low wages of older workers and the risk of economic hardship: low pay workers' transitions over the life cycle also at the firm level.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Have looked at the economic impact of lack of autonomy, and the need for care, on the elderly at risk of poverty, and also how developed are the local service's system. If the "territorial welfare" system does not adequately respond to the demand for care for the elderly, families resort to purchasing services and assistance in the care market. This leads to a loss of family income and further impoverishment of lowincome elderly individuals.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
1. Focus on the design of policies and benefit provisions for old age. Preliminary estimates, based on individual-level data, show that inadequate local services push families to buy care, reducing family income and worsening poverty among low-income seniors.
2. "Integrated welfare" studies look at the welfare value of pension contracts that take account of the situation of couples. This requires computing and forecasting longevity improvements and mortality dependence within couples.
3. "Saving for Retirement" research looks at economic shocks and shows that effective insurance for old age should cover consumption expenditures, but also exceptional medical expenses.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Refining a map of the “geography of retirement” in terms of services, purchasing power and amenities in relation to welfare provisions and for people most at risk of poverty or financial distress.
In addition, through the VisitINPS programme for the project on Earnings ability and agein, in the past few months the research has been developed along two main lines. First, the analysis of administrative data has been extended to include the relationship between low pay and precarious employment among older workers. Second, leveraging survey data, the analysis has been focused on the life cycle profile of social exclusion.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The construction of a specific bibliography has looked at the Reports of the Non-self-sufficiency Network (NNA) and the study of the Delegated Law for the Care of the Non-self-sufficient Elderly (21.03.2023). The analysis makes it possible to begin to describe social welfare policies for older people and to map the network of services at territorial level. The team has obtained access to the INPS population data through the VisitINPS programme for his project on Earnings ability and ageing in WP, a byproduct of this activity, within WP4 the data can be used to produce descriptive statistics on the anatomy of low pay among older workers.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
The team constructed a questionnaire addressed to caregivers to analyse the cost and burden of family caregiving; started the survey with the collaboration of Fondazione per il Sud and Cittadinanza Attiva Campania; elaborated the outline of a semi-structured interview to caregivers.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
The team is building a network of family care stakeholders in the province of Pescara.
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