Leader: Enrico Biale (UPO); Other collaborator(s): UNISR
This study will deal with just political relations among generations, included future ones. Current political rhetoric prays on current age-identities, by advertising policies that selectively benefits one generation over the other, fostering generational polarization, and systematically underrepresenting some interests at stake (e.g. future generations, vulnerable senior citizens, young people). A theory of political justice is needed to devise an account of fair generational relations and equal representation of their interests and values. Our analysis would evaluate if this perspective is empirically sound and normatively acceptable to defuse generational polarization and ensure a fair representation of any generational interests (senior citizens, young people, and future generations).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
November 2023-March 2024. In this period the work focused on the construction of the Intergenerational Equity Index, together with Task 3 and with the Spoke 7 leader. Our group has singled out the indicators relative to political justice. Our group has moreover worked on the normative standards that democratic societies need to meet in order to ensure political equality among any age group. Preliminary results of this research had been presented at the international workshop "Just Aging" held in Vercelli on December 10-11 2023 (organized with task 3), whose papers will be shortly submitted as a special issue at an international Journal (CRISSP). Other presentations were delivered as uploaded in the repository.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
The main output of the task, which is still in progress, is the intergenerational equity index together with WP3. The specific contribution to the Index of this task concerns the political unbalance between different age groups and the related unjust representation of interests .A post-doc has been hired to collect data and assist the team in designing the index. The post-doc presented his preliminary findings in a WP seminar on October 3.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Enrico Biale, along with Laura Santi Amantini, Davide Pala, and Gloria Zuccarelli, organized an international conference titled "Age, Race, Gender, and Class: Understanding Intersecting Injustices," which took place in Vercelli on January 16 and 17. Additionally, he is editing a special issue on "Just Ageing," to be published in the "Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy," in collaboration with Anna Elisabetta Galeotti. Biale is also co-authoring a paper with Gloria Zuccarelli that will be included in this special issue.
Papers presented and submitted:
Papers 2 and 3 will be part of a forthcoming special issue of CRISPP, edited by Enrico Biale and Anna Elisabetta Galeotti.
Workshops and seminars (together with Task 3)