Leader: Scott Williamson (Bocconi); Other collaborator(s): UPO
This study will conduct surveys in Italy to analyze who holds negative views of the elderly; the domains to which these negative views relate; and what motivates these views. Particular attention will be given to perceptions of political favoritism for the elderly, and whether these perceptions generate resentment against older citizens and the political system more broadly. These results will also inform the development of interventions to reduce prejudice against the elderly, which will be tested through survey experiments. One focus of these interventions will be the use of family ties to reduce prejudice by inducing empathy for the elderly.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
November 2023-March 2024. In the relevant period, the group carried out the survey on ageism in the Italian population. The provisional analysis of the survey is found in a preliminary report, uploaded in the repository.
We found that no relevant correlation have been found between ageism and regional distribution, gender and political ideologies, though some differences can be detected, while age of the respondents has some correlation with ageism. The most striking finding is one that appear to falsify "Contact theory". This work will be elaborated in two Academic essays to be presented to important international journal in the course of the year.
The survey on the prejudices and bias against the old population was completed in January. Now, the results are elaborated for proper publication. While the findings have confirmed similar surveys, concerning ageist prejudices, with little difference in the three Italian macroregions, some surprising data have emerged that goes against the theory of contact. Contrary to the latter that holds that prejudices diminish when people enter relationship with the target group, our survey showed that the closer the participants were with older people, the stronger their ageist prejudices. This finding needs elaboration for it may have implications in social and health services.
Workshop: Elisabetta Venezia and her group organized an International workshop for the dissemination of the results of the Age-IT programme, at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics and Finance, in Bari on the 11th October 2024. Outputs and Publications: 1.Elisabetta Venezia “Transport infrastructures and services for the elderly population: critical aspects and solutions”, International Workshop on “Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility: Gender Issues and Ageing Population. Emerging Trends and Policy Challenges”, Bari 11 ottobre 2024, to be submitted shortly. 2. Elisabetta Venezia: “Transport Infrastructures for the Elderly: Evaluation of Economic Effects” presented at “Human Assets, Innovation and Sustainable Development In The Mediterranean Basin”, Great Hall, Consulate Of Moldova, Ascoli Piceno, 27.9.2024 forthcoming in January 2025. 3. Yvette Ramos, Marise Almeida, Elisabetta Venezia, Lidia Zakowska “Educating in Water Values in Line with the Pact for the Future Vision” paper to be presented at the University of Pisa at the International Workshop on Water and Gender in 2025.