Leader: Sara Zaniboni (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s):
Older workers are more at risk of facing exclusion and disqualification with multiple negative outcomes at different levels (e.g. wellbeing and productivity of both the worker and the organization). Addressing the different mechanics and socio-cultural factors keeping older workers healthy and engaged at work is essential in addressing societal challenges related to the aging of the workforce. From a quantitative and qualitative perspective, we will study how the aging process takes place and is handled by the organisation and senior workers. Specifically we will address the different mechanisms, factors (i .e. individual, work and organization-related elements) and representations affecting a successful and healthy aging process at work.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
After obtaining of an approval from the ethical committee and signature of the contract with data provider we have launched the first survey was launched in March-April (3 T). T1 completed, T2 and T3 ongoing.
The second survey model is currently in progress. Performing adaptation of scales and tests and, when needed, piloting.
The postdoctoral fellow hired left the project for a new more permanent position. A new recruitement is ongoing.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Our activities have focused on the data collection for Study 1 (3 waves). The goal of Study 1 is to identify behavioral and cognitive mechanisms fostering a thriving age-diverse work environment. Two new constructs have been developed for this study (i.e., Diversity mindset and Crafting for age diversity). Preliminary results (T1) related to diversity mindset and crafting for age diversity show good exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and reliability. Moreover, they positively impact organizational performance, creativity at work, and employees’ well-being, over and above HR practices and leadership.
Activities related to recruiting a junior researcher (Assegnista di Ricerca) for this task have been performed.
We started conceptual work on the design of Study 2. Specifically, activities related to the identification of the hypothesized theoretical model of study 2 have been performed.
Data collection for Study 1 has been completed (3 waves).
Activities related to the qualitative part of the project have been performed. Specifically, two focus groups were performed.
The work on the theoretical and methodological design of Study 2 continued.
The goal of Study 2 is to identify behavioral and cognitive mechanisms for successful aging at work and retirement.
From a methodological perspective, we have identified a set of major psychometrically validated scales, along with those still in development.
We have completed the conceptual and methodological work on Study 2, developing the conceptual model, adapting scales, and creating new constructs, including retirement crafting, which encompasses proactive actions aimed at securing resources critical for a confident transition into retirement.
We have focused on data collection for Study 2 (three waves). T1 and T2 have been completed, while T3 is ongoing and expected to be completed by January 2025. Preliminary results from the two-wave survey (T1 and T2) show that retirement crafting positively impacts expected retirement satisfaction, expected retirement adjustment, subjective health, and life satisfaction, and is negatively related to general stress.