Leader: Letizia Carrera (UNIBA); Other collaborator(s):
The profound qualitative change in terms of social representations and self-representation of the elderly has resulted both in daily cultural practices being very different from the past, and in equally different expectations for a higher quality life. Through a quanti-qualitative approach we will analyze this change also declining it in a gender perspective, recognizing this variable a deep impact on cultural and social needs. We will also analyze urban policies that have a fundamental role to achieve the goals of territorial democracy, social justice, inclusiveness for an age-friendly city and active ageing paths. The aim is to get to find best territorial practices and to define new policy makers recommendations.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
We launched the research on access and living conditions in nursing residential homes (RSA in Italian). We have also continued with the qualitative research through interviews on quality of life with reference to city and neighbourhood of residence. Submissions and preparation for several conferences: AGE IT in Venice and others (ESA - European Sociological Association).
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
A comprehensive monitoring plan is being developed to support territorial policies aimed at guiding decisions regarding admission to nursing homes (RSA). More importantly, it seeks to create conditions for high-quality territorial services that can improve the living conditions of elderly individuals and delay their institutionalization.
A qualitative-quantitative study on the topic of senior cohousing has been launched, focusing on the regions of Puglia and Basilicata. The research will involve the collaboration of junior researchers through grants funded by Age-It funds. The study will continue over the following months until the early months of 2025. Gender considerations are also being carefully addressed in this research.
The research aims to encourage concrete policies by territorial administrations at various levels to implement and support more or less formalized senior cohousing projects.
The theoretical reflection that preceded the development of the research framework and the launch of the study itself has been discussed at national conferences (including the General Assembly Age-It at Ca' Foscari Venice 2024) and international events.
Partial results already achieved have been published in Tier A international journals.
As part of research aimed at defining urban and territorial policies designed to ensure high levels of quality of life for elderly individuals, two studies initiated in previous months have been completed on the potential of tourism as an opportunity for leisure, socialization, and cultural growth. These studies (the second focusing on the potential of digital technologies) also paid careful attention to the gender dimension, reaffirming the need to address this aspect.
The results achieved were presented in reports at national and international conferences.
Both studies have resulted in publications in an international tier A and Scientific journals.
STATUS - 31/12/2024
In the last quarter of 2024, further research was initiated to explore the dimension of living, which intersects with quality of life and perceived well-being. For this research, several "virtuous" cities have been identified, where qualitative in-depth analyses are being conducted through interviews and ethnographic observation, along with a comparative study with case studies from the Apulia region. Specifically, in relation to this topic, policy content and regulatory and incentive measures for this specific housing model are being defined.
This issue will be further investigated within the quantitative survey set to begin in the end of February, and lasting four months.
Within this broader theme, a qualitative empirical study was specifically conducted on the topic of senior cohousing, leading to a publication in the international A-rank journal Frontiers in Sociology. A second publication, in a more historical perspecitve, is currently under review.