Leader: Marco Alberio (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s): UNIBA
Mobilities and aging have been often perceived in opposition. However, due to demographic and cultural transformations the situation is now changing. This task will study the migration processes of Italian elderlies leaving Italy. Through a qualitative approach we will consider the motivations (preference and ambitions for a different life style, family reunion with migrant children, cost of living etc.), the construction of the time frame of this migration patterns and the daily life experiences to understand how the integration process happens and what it means to get old far from home. From an institutional and political perspective, we will focus on the role of welfare and financial systems, both in the hosting country and in Italy.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
- Organisation of field research in Spain and Albania for semi-structured interviews and field notes
- Finalization of survey (questions)
- Contract finalisation with LAPS-University of Siena
- Completion of research participation and privacy forms and submission to LAPS
- Preparation of OpenScience plan (for task 4 only)
- Participation in and organisation of seminars and workshops. A cycle of 3 seminars has been organized.
The first one on April 8th, the second will be on May 13th and the third on May 30st.
- Transcription, coding and analysis of qualitative data
- Collection of administrative data (collaboration with INPS database on retirees living abroad)
- Submission of two abstracts/paper (Journal of gerontology, Ageing and social change)
- Submission and acceptance at European Sociological Ass-Porto, X international conference AssMed, TMC
- Mexico city, Stai - AIS territory, AGE IT Venezia conference. We are also supervising a master student in the frame of the project.R15
- Analysis of secondary data (AVQ...) and preparation of 3 scientific papers in collaboration with L. Vergolini and P. Pasetti
- Knowledge transfer activities in collaboration with the HUB.
- Field Research: Organisation and execution of a field visit in Spain, Tenerife. 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted with Italian retirees and key actors such as embassy staff, associations, and Comites representatives.
- Quantitative Survey: Coordination with administrative offices to finalise a collaboration agreement with the Laboratory of Political and Social Analysis (LAPS) at the University of Siena. Coordination and finalisation of the questionnaire in collaboration with LAPS, testing, and distribution of the survey for quantitative data analysis.
- Administrative and Secondary Data: Establishment of contacts, preparation of the agreement, and collaboration with INPS to access original administrative data on Italian retirees receiving pensions abroad. INPS dataset and analysis of secondary data, such as AVQ-ISTAT, to explore lifestyle patterns.
- Interview Analysis: Transcription and anonymisation of 60 interviews (from field visits in Tunisia, Portugal, and Spain) and coding of interviews using NVIVO software for qualitative analysis. Definition of a codebook and data categorisation.
- MIGR-AGING Section Creation: Development of the MIGR-AGING section on the "Alma-Aging" website of the University of Bologna to showcase research activities and invite participation.
- Scientific Article Writing: Drafting of articles on topics related to ageing, mobility, and elderly health:
- "Retracing family relationships among elderly migrants on the move: the case of retired Italians living outside Italy" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- "Exploring the determinants of health in the ageing population: the key role of education and socioeconomic context" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V., Pasetti P., Vergolini L.).
- Field Research: Transcription of interviews conducted during the field visit in Spain, Tenerife. Organisation of the fourth field visit in Albania, including the identification of key actors and logistical planning.
- Quantitative Survey: Distribution and monitoring of the survey in collaboration with LAPS at the University of Siena, as well as collaboration and coordination in identifying contacts and disseminating the survey.
- Administrative and Secondary Data: Establishment of contacts, preparation of the agreement, and collaboration with INPS for access to original administrative data on Italian retirees receiving pensions abroad. INPS dataset and secondary data analysis, such as AVQ-ISTAT, to explore lifestyle patterns.
- Interview Analysis: Transcription, anonymisation of 60 interviews (from field visits in Tunisia, Portugal, and Spain), coding of interviews using NVIVO for qualitative analysis, and data categorisation.
- Scientific Article Writing: Drafting of articles on ageing, mobility, and elderly health
Qualitative Field Research:
- Transcription of interviews conducted during field visits in Durrës (Albania) and Tenerife (Spain).
- Planning and organisation of the 5th and 6th fieldwork periods in Albania (October 2024 and January 2025) and Spain (May 2024 and January 2025), including the identification of key stakeholders and logistical coordination.
Quantitative Survey:
- Distribution and monitoring of the survey in collaboration with the Laboratory of Political and Social Analysis (LAPS) at the University of Siena.
- Coordination of outreach and dissemination activities, including promotion through the MigrAging page (link).
Administrative and Secondary Data:
- Collaboration with INPS for access to and analysis of original administrative data on Italian pensioners residing abroad.
- Analysis of the INPS dataset and secondary data sources, such as AVQ-ISTAT, to examine lifestyle patterns among elderly populations.
Interview Analysis
- Transcription, anonymisation, and coding of 80 interviews conducted during fieldwork in Tunisia, Portugal, Albania, and Spain.
- Qualitative analysis using NVivo, with systematic data categorisation to extract meaningful insights.
Scientific Article Writing:
- Drafting of academic articles on ageing, mobility, multi-locality, and elderly well-being.
- Journal Articles:
- "Retracing family relationships among elderly migrants on the move: the case of retired Italians living outside Italy" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.), submitted and under review
- Conference Proceedings:
- "Migration experiences in Southern Europe: the mobility of retired Italians," presented at *The Migration Conference 2024* (Mexico, July 2024).
- Participation in Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops:
- Second Age-IT Scientific Meeting – PE8 UNIBO, 10 May 2024, UNIBO. Presentation: "New Cultural Models of Ageing: Experiences and Motivations of Italian Retirees Moving Abroad" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- Age-It Conference – Ca' Foscari Venice, 20-22 May 2024. Presentation: "New Cultural Models of Ageing: Experiences and Motivations of Italian Retirees Moving Abroad" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- First STAI Conference – "Permanent Crises: The Territorial Dimension of Socio-Environmental Challenges," Bari, 30-31 May 2024. Presentation: "New Cultural Models of Ageing: Motivations and Experiences of Italian Retirees Moving Abroad" (Lomonaco A.).
- ASTMed - X International Conference – "Beyond Tourism? Travels and Travellers in the (post)Covid Society," Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena, Italy), 19-21 June 2024. Presentation: "New Tourism Needs? Exploring the Mobility and Migratory Experiences of Italian Retirees in the Mediterranean Area" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A.).
- International Migration Conference – Mexico City, 3-9 July 2024. Presentation: "Migration experiences in Southern Europe: the mobility of retired Italians" (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- 16th ESA (European Sociological Association) Conference – 27-30 August 2024, Porto. Presentations:
- "Experiences of mobility among retirees leaving Italy: between new cultural models and forms of precariousness" (RN01) (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- "Migration experiences in Southern Europe: the mobility of retired Italians" (RN27) (Alberio M., Lomonaco A., Resende S. A. V.).
- Prof. M. Alberio and Dr A. Lomonaco participated in the 9th Annual Meeting of the European Network for Multi-locality Studies – Multi-locality and Innovation, presenting the paper: “Multi-locality and International Retirement Migration: New Perspectives in the Mediterranean Context”.
- Dr A. Lomonaco and Prof. M. Alberio “La vita è altrove? L’autunno mediterraneo dei pensionati italiani in Tunisia, tra conflitti e crisi”. Prof.ssa Faranda, online seminar 10 december 2024
- Prof. M. Alberio, Coordination with Prof. S. Zaniboni Dr A. Russo in “Aging in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities” Prof. Donald Truxillo, online seminar 14 november 2024
- The submission by Prof. M. Alberio and Dr A. Lomonaco, entitled "Redefining Ageing through Transnational Mobility: The Case of Italian Retirees" (159973), has been accepted for the Research Committees session "Sociology of Age, Body, and Identity" (19864) at the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology (6-11 July 2025).
- The submission by Prof. M. Alberio and Dr A. Lomonaco, entitled "Italian Retirees Abroad: New Horizons for Ageing and Quality of Life" (159813), has been accepted for the Research Committees session "Happy and Positive Topics in Ageing" (20258) at the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology (6-11 July 2025).
- Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer Activities
- MIGR-AGING Section Creation: Development of the MIGR-AGING section on the "Alma-Aging" website of the University of Bologna to showcase research activities and invite participation.