Leader: Claudia Morgana Cascione (UniBA); Other collaborator(s): UNIBO
The issue of elder care creates numerous legal questions, which reveal the close interrelation between the insufficiency of national welfare systems and the recourse to private autonomy. The difficulty of self-management old people face highlights the inadequacy of the public measures for the care of dependent subjects. It also determines the recourse to contracts aimed at providing private assistance in exchange for money or the transfer of goods. At a first level, the public national models of care to the elderly will be compared, proposing reform trajectories for the Italian legal system. At a second level, the problems in private bargaining will be analyzed, given the lack of protection for the weaker party of the legal relationship.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
November 2023 - March 2024
During the period I worked, together with the members of the spoke, on the intergenerational index project with special reference to legal indexes. On 4 March the Age-it Spoke 7 Workshop was held at Bocconi University entitled "The state of progress in the construction of the intergenerational justice index from a legal and philosophical perspective".
I organized the legal clinic “Il diritto grigio”, at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, with lessons and practical exercitations about the most relevant issues in contemporary elder law.
I worked on several papers on topic related with ageing:
- Invecchiamento demografico e tutela della persona nelle esperienze giuridiche contemporanee”, Proceedings of the conference ‘Un diritto gentile per la persona anziana’- forthcoming
- Demographic ageinng and the protection of older persons in contemporary legal systems, De lege ferenda (Universidad de Granada)- forthcoming
- Demography and comparative law: a twofold relationship in the analysis of population ageing- paper for the general Meeting (Venice 2024)
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications:
Coming soon
- “Pratiche manipolative e sfruttamento della vulnerabilità”, in Fragilità e innovazione. Rischi e opportunità, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, 2 dicembre 2024
- “L’assistenza all’anziano fragile tra intervento pubblico e autonomia privata in Invecchiamento, demenza, vulnerabilità in una prospettiva di ricerca interdisciplinare, Università San Raffaele Vita Salute, Facoltà di Filosofia, Segrate (MI), 28 – 29 novembre 2024
- “E-Health, data protection and vulnerable subject” in Regulating sustenaibility in Contemporary markets: a legal perspective, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, 22 novembre 2024
- “E-Health e dati sanitari (tra discriminazione e tutela dei soggetti vulnerabili” in ciclo di incontri su Dati sanitari: protezione e circolazione nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale, Università degli studi di Foggia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, 13 novembre 2024
- “La Proteciòn de los derechos del adulto mayor en Cuba (discussant)” in Las perspectivas del derecho publico y privado en Cuba, Università Di RomaTre, 9 ottobre 2024
- Chair of the panel “vulnerabilities and legal challenges in the AI era”, in ICON’S 2024, Madrid 8-10 luglio 2024
- · C.M. Cascione, Demographic ageing and the protection of the older persons in contemporary legal systems, in De lege ferenda. Revista de la facultad de derecho de la Universidad de Granada, 2, 2024, pp. 43-64.
Coming soon