Leader: Febo Cincotti (Sapienza); Other collaborator(s): Alberto Pilotto (UNIBA), Bellelli Giuseppe, Ferrarese Carlo, Francesca Gasparini (UNIMIB), Maggi Stefania (CNR, Neuroscience Institute, Aging Branch), Luca Francioso (CNR)
Establishment of a living document in which currently available interventions are mapped and novel promising interventions are roadmapped. Specific emphasis will be placed on technological interventions, such as: Wearable technologies, Digital Therapeutics, Serious gaming (treatment, monitoring and prevention), AI & sensors (monitoring), AI for clinical decision support, Care assistive robots, ...
Aim: provide stakeholders and decision makers with an up-to-date overview of (i) promising areas that require support for research and development; (ii) mature technologies that require support for delivery to the society.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
A workplan for roadmap development has been established, which includes the following steps:
- Integration: Integrate findings from the technology assessment and current studies to develop a roadmap for promoting healthy aging through multidimensional interventions.
- Prioritization: Prioritize interventions based on their demonstrated effectiveness, scalability, and potential impact on key outcomes such as longevity, functional independence, and quality of life.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Engage policymakers, healthcare providers, technology developers, older adults, and caregivers in the roadmap development process. Seek input from stakeholders to ensure that the roadmap reflects their priorities and addresses real-world challenges.
- Action Plan: Develop a detailed action plan outlining steps to expand successful interventions, address barriers to implementation, and foster collaboration among stakeholders.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
By combining technology assessments with pilot projects and roadmap development, the roadmap will provide a strategic framework for advancing multidimensional interventions to promote healthy aging. It will guide decision-making, foster innovation, and support collaboration across sectors to address the complex challenges associated with aging populations.
First design of the technical architecture of the roadmap's platform:
- First draft of user needs in relation to easy access to the relevant set of information regarding interventions, distinct for category of stakeholder.
- First draft of specifications of the Content Management System
- Definition of user interaction model to navigate the collection of information.
- First mockup of user interfaces to navigate the roadmap (end-users) and to insert/update contents (experts).
Refined design of the platform's technical infrastructure:
- Specifications of architecture tiers: front-end, logic layer, data layer.
- Definition of the model of metadata associated with information items
- Specifications of the headless CMS
- Survey of existing open-source and commercial products viable for implementing sections of the architecture
Building on the refined technical architecture, the following progress has been made in preparation for progressive release of the platform:
- Finalization of User Interaction Model:
- Refinement of navigation and interaction flows based on internal reviews, ensuring usability for different stakeholder categories.
- CMS Configuration for Internal Testing: Initial setup of the headless CMS to allow controlled data entry and management by the development team.
- Prototype Data Structuring: Population of a test database with sample intervention data to validate the metadata model and refine categorization.
- Wireframes and High-Fidelity Mockups: Development of refined wireframes and visual mockups to guide front-end implementation in the next phase.
- Internal Review and Feedback Cycle: Conducted internal evaluations with team members and select stakeholders to identify areas for improvement before broader testing.