Leader: Emanuele Menegatti (UNIPD)
The WP aims to develop a new generation of robots to monitor, assist, and boost motor performance in the elderly. We will design innovative symbiotic wearable robots to increase performance and prevent falls at home and workplace. The outputs of this WP are (i) new paradigms for robot perception of humans and of human control of robots (i.e. innovative sensors, advanced algorithms), (ii) cutting-edge wearable robots for older humans’ empowering, (iii) a seamless approach of human perception and support with wearable actuators and sensors. Our vision is a breakthrough in neurorobotics, leading to a full-fledged human-robot integration. The WP3's research team comprises an interdisciplinary group of mechanical engineers, physicians, neuroscientists, biomedical engineers, and psychologists. It has an established track record in developing personalised exoskeletons and mobile robots with integrated muscle-brain feedback.