Leader: Raffaele Gravina (UNICAL); Other collaborator(s): UNIPD
The task focuses on smart wearable technologies to record physiological signals and physical activity data outside strict lab-controlled environments and on AI/machine learning-based analysis to support active and healthy ageing. Specifically, the interest will be focused on the recognition of personality traits in ageing adults. Previous studies established the link between personality and healthy aging but an accurate, prognostic, and predictive personalized model for active and healthy aging is yet to be developed. In this task, we will recognize personality traits during daily life activities and we will design, develop, and evaluate a smart-wearable multi sensor platform able to track behaviors and habits and detect subtle changes potentially associated to personality/cognitive decline. Testing and evaluation will be carried out through a research experimental setting in a realistic instrumented “domestic-like” environment.
During the reference period, the work on this task has been focused on:
Please see the next reporting period.
During the reference period (II quarter 2024), the work on this task has been focused on:
1. Bootstrapping research collaboration: with Prof. Pedro Guerra at the University of Granada in the Mind, Brain and Behavior (CIMCYC) research center. The PhD student Majid Riaz, funded by AgeIT, started his research visit at CIMCYC.
2. Experimental Protocol Development: for data collection, a completed experimental procedure was finalized and required material organized.
3. Data Acquisition: participants were contacted for data acquisition purposes. At the end of June 2024, 8 subjects were recruited and participated in the experiments.
In this reference period:
- We completed experiment and data collection and started the analysis phase (feature extraction, and machine learning model training) over EEG traces.
- we conducted EEG data analysis, feature extraction, and machine learning model training based on previously collected dataset.
- We also began drafting a paper titled “EEG-Based Personality Traits Recognition for Cognitive Health applications” expected to be submitted by next reference period to the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing journal.
Scientific publications