Biosketch: Degree in Medicine at the University of Padova - Italy, 16 october 1996. Post-degree in Geriatrics at the University of Padova, in 2000. PhD in Experimental and Clinical Reumatology and Geriatrics at the University of Padova, in 2004. National Scientific Abilitation as 2° level Professor in 2020. Research Assistant and Clinical Fellow at the Geriatric Clinic, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMED), University of Padova – Azienda Ospedale-Università Padova, since 2003. Area of interests: the study of the elderly affected by neurodegenerative diseases in order to identify risk factors, protective factors, possible strategies and intervention paths to slow down cognitive, functional and physical decline, and prevent or treat the onset of psycho-behavioral disorders; the study of sarcopenia and physical-functional performance in order to identify frailty conditions early and prevent disabilities and comorbiditie; the study of osteometabolic diseases, risk factors, protective factors and strategies for the prevention of fragility fractures; the study of nutritional assessment and in particular the body composition of the elderly in relation to acute and chronic malnutrition. Author of 147 publications, HI 38, total citations 4.161 (Scopus). Reviewer and member of the Editorial Boards of international journals; Member of research groups: GEPPO_01: Multicentric prospective study for the multidimensional evaluation of geriatric seropositive (HIV +) patients in the GEPPO (PI) cohort. Center PI; GeroCovid Observational: a multisetting, multicenter, multiscope retrospective-longitudinal study. Coordinator of the CDCD branch; EuGMS (European Geriatric Medicine Society) - Special Interest Group on Dementia AND Special Interest Group on Dementia. Member. Winner of the Young Researcher Health Ministry Grant 2008, with the project: Body and energy expenditure of subjects affected by Duchenne Muscolar Distrophy in relation to progression of the disease study. GR-2008-1142902 (304.000 euro)
Roles: Spoke 3 contributor; Spoke 3 WP5 Contributor
Website: N/A
Research interests