Biosketch: Alessandra De Rose holds the position of full professor of Demography at Sapienza University of Rome. She serves as the Editor-in-chief of Genus - Journal of Population Sciences, published by Springer Verlag, and is the Director of the Annals of the Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory, and Finance. Her past roles include chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in “Population, Migrations and Development,” president of the Italian Association for Population Studies (AISP-SIS) from 2011 to 2015, and dean of the European Doctoral School in Demography (EDSD) for the academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17. She has also been the President of the Italian National Committee - ASN (National Scientific and Teaching Qualification) for Demography and Social Statistics for the years 2012-13 and 2021-2023.Her research primarily focuses on fertility and family behaviors, gender inequalities, and the impact on population ageing on economy and society. Currently, she is the Principal Investigator for Sapienza in the PNRR-PE8 Project “Age-It. Ageing well in an ageing society,” specifically Spoke1, which concentrates on the demography of ageing with an emphasis on workforce ageing and intergenerational care. She has contributed to esteemed journals in the fields of demography and sociology, including Population Studies, Demographic Research, European Journal of Population, Genus, European Sociological Review, and Social Indicators Research. Her scholarly contributions encompass over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, 40 chapters in national and international books, and numerous papers in international conference proceedings. Her H-index stands at 19, with an i10-Index of 35, according to Google Scholar as of January 4, 2024.
Roles: Spoke 1 contributor, Spoke 1 WP1 contributor, WP1 Task1.4 contributor
Website: N/A
Research interests