Biosketch: Anna Tiso is a researcher at the Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, since 2024. She graduated in Management Engineering (2020, University of Padova), took her PhD in Management Engineering (2023, University of Padova) and worked as research fellow from October 2023 to March 2024 in the same Department. She is head of the course “Business Economics and Organization”, Bachelor’s degree in Product Innovation Management. Her research field includes Healthcare operations management, Lean and safety management in healthcare, Project Manageent and Risk Management. More recent research interests regard the use of innovation and technology in healthcare and their role in quality improvement projects. In these fields, she participated to research projects, funded by public and private organizations. She collaborates in ongoing relationships with foreign universities, as Comillas University (Spain), and University of Minho (Portugal).
Roles: Spoke 5 WP6
Research interests