Biosketch: Antonio Paoli is full professor and chair of Exercise and Sport Sciences at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova. He is Director and Professor of Strength Training and Sport Nutrition at the University UCAM (Murcia, Spain) and Head of Human Health Laboratory Lobachevsky University - Niznij Novgorod - Russia. From 2018 to 2021 he was appointed president of the Italian Society of Sport and Exercise Science (SISMES) and from 2017 to 2022 president of the European Sport Nutrition Society (ESNS). Since October, 2015, Antonio Paoli is Rector’s Delegate for Sport and Wellness of the University of Padova, and from 2021 Vice Rector for Wellness and Sport. , being in charge for managing sport and wellness-health related activities for students, faculties and employees
He is currently Director of the Nutrition & Exercise Physiology Laboratory of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy, Dean of the Bachelor Degree in Human Movement Science and Dean of the Master Degree in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity. His laboratory research interests include ketogenic diet and fasting, the interaction of exercise and diet on skeletal muscle metabolism, the molecular bases of exercise training adaptation and the effects of different methodology of resistance training on health parameters and body composition in young and adults. Antonio Paoli published 235 papers in international peer reviewed, indexed journals, with 7811 citations and an H-Index of 42 (Scopus). He serves as member of editorial board for scientific Reports, Nutrients, Frontiers in Physiology, Sport Science for Health, Journal of Translational medicine and as associate editor for Journal of Human Kinetics, and for Aging, Clinical and Experimental Research. He was the co-recipient of the 2017 year’s EJSS Best Paper Award and the recipient of the 1st place of the GSSI Award at the 2017 ECSS conference. Antonio Paoli leaded many work packages for Italian and European grants. He leads WP2 “Design Effective Interventions to Improve Physiological Outcomes and Disease-Related Conditions in Middle-Aged and Older Adults”, spoke 4 of the the Research Programme Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society) funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In that program he is also responsible of Task 2.""Tailored nutrition and physical exercise interventions in older adults"".
Roles: Spoke 4 WP2 and Task 2.2 leader
Research interests