Biosketch: Dr. Azzurra Massimi, bachelor in Midwifery and Nursing, after the Master's Degree in Nursing Sciences in 2011, continued her education in the field of Nursing Sciences with a Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Public Health at Sapienza University of Rome. Since 2019 she has been an Assistant Professor in Nursing at the Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases - Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Preventive and Community Nursing, Quantitative Methods for Nursing Reasearch and Epidemiology. Dr. Massimi’s scientific interests address several aspects of Public Health Nursing. Her most recent projects focus on the analysis of the effectiveness and implementability of multi-component interventions led by Family and Community Nurses for the management of patients with chronic diseases, as well as the impact of new organizational models in the field of Primary Health Care in terms of OROs and PROs. The second main research interest, within the scope of Public Health Nursing, relates to the study of vaccine hesitancy, identifying its determinants and effective counter-strategies, with particular attention to the analysis of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors/practices (KAB/KAP) of healthcare professionals and parents, with a specific focus on HPV vaccination. Other research interests are related to: Nursing management, Health promotion and primary prevention, Nursing education, Health Literacy, Monitoring and prevention healthcare-related infections and antimicrobial resistance.
Roles: Spoke 8 WP6 Task 6.2
Research interests