Biosketch: Carlo Burelli is Assistant Professor (RTD-a) in Political Philosophy at Università del Piemonte Orientale, working on the age-it project. Previously he held postdoc fellowships in Chicago (Law School), Genova (Dafist) and Milano (SPES). His research is broadly interested in clarifying what can and should hold togheter our complex social systems. He published two monographs in Italian ("E Fu Lo Stato" and "Realtà, Necessità, Conflitto") as well as many articles in leading international journals (such as Political Studies, European Journal of Political Theory, Ethics and International Affairs, European Journal of Philosophy, the Journal of Common Market Studies...). Carlo was awarded the Baroncelli prize for outstanding early career moral and political philosophers, and his article on CRISSP won the 2022 Best Eassay prize.
Roles: Spoke 7 contributor
Research interests