Biosketch: Chiara Antoniucci is a developmental psychologist, Ph.D., and gender education trainer. She's currently working at the Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome. Her research focuses on: (1) processes of ageing well, psychological well-being, and discriminations in older LGBTQ+ adults within sports and physical activity contexts, (2) gender identity development, and specifically gender typicality's development from childhood to adulthood; (3) Psychological well-being and adjustment of families with same-gender parents; (4) gender education at school. Her Ph.D. project explored gender typicality and its relation to adjustment and psychological well-being, considering the relevance of gender, age and sexual orientation. Actually, her Post-Doc project analyzes processes of ageing well in older LGBTQ+ people, specifically analyzing experiences of past and present discrimination, physical and psychological health.
Roles: Spoke 4 WP 4 contributor
Website: N/A
Research interests