Biosketch: Daniele Fiaschi is Associate Professor of Energy Systems at the University of Florence, where he teaches Energy Systems, Renewable Energy and Systems and Solutions for Energy Transition. Since over 28 years Daniele Fiaschi has been working in research groups with young, senior researchers and master students. He supervised more than 100 master and bachelor thesis and 20 PhD thesis. Since more than 15 years he coordinated research groups in the framework of relevant international and national awarded research projects on advanced energy conversion systems, renewables, sustainability of energy systems working with young and senior researchers, for a total of about 30 PhDs, postdocs and research fellows. Daniele Fiaschi is currently the scientific coordinator of SERG Group (Sustainable Energy Research Group) of DIEF. Currently scientific responsible of five research projects for a total grant of about 1,3 M€. Daniele Fiaschi is Author of more than 120 peer reviewed International Journal and Conference papers on the thematic of energy systems. Member of the Editorial Board of Energies MDPI, 2020 to present.
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Research interests