Biosketch: Edoardo Trombin is a Ph.D. researcher in the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padova. He has a strong background in IT, starting with his attendance at the C. Zuccante Technical Institute, followed by earning a bachelor's degree in Information Engineering and a master's degree in Computer Engineering, both from the University of Padova. His interest in lower limb exoskeletons began with his master's thesis, "Low-Obstacle Avoidance for Lower Limb Exoskeletons," and has continued into his ongoing Ph.D. work. His research focuses on increasing the autonomy of such devices by aligning them with users' intentions, which are estimated through biological signals such as EMG and EEG. In this way, users with lower limb impairments (e.g., SCI) may be able to use these devices more intuitively, without the additional workload posed by manual commands. More specifically, his goal is to develop a solution that can autonomously understand the notable features of the nearby environment and adapt the exoskeleton's motion to ensure safe and physiological behavior.
Roles: Spoke 9 WP3 Task 3.1
Research interests