Biosketch: Elena Allegri is Associate Professor of Sociology (scientific-disciplinary sector SPS/ 07) and Social Work at the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), Department of Law, and Political, Economic and Social Studies, Alessandria.She is a member of the scientific board of several national and international scientific journals as well as a member of EASSW (European Association of Schools of Social Work) and of IASSW (International Association OF Schools of Social Work); Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Dictionary of Social Work; Member of A.I.S. (the Italian Association of Sociologists) and Member of SOCISS (the Italian Association of Teachers of Social Work). She was Founder and Director of the Master's Degree Course in Supervision for Social and Health Services (MASSS) I°ed. 2022-2023, DIGSPES, Alessandria, UPO and Founder and Director of the Master's Degree Course in Management for the Coordination of Social Service in Social, Health and Care Organisations (MACOSS) I°ed. 2019-2020 and II°ed. 2020-2021, DIGSPES, Alessandria, UPO.She was (2007- 2018) Member of the Teaching Staff of the Doctorate in Applied Sociology and Methodology of Social Research and Social Work, University of Bicocca Milano Currently, she is Scientific Coordinator of theTASK no. 1.4. Ageism, prejudice and discriminatory behaviours; within Spoke 7 Cultural and political dimensions of ageing societies - WP1, coordinated by prof.ssa E. Galeotti and prof. Biale, in the Project ‘Age-It: Ageing individuals in an ageing society’, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). She is also Vice P.I. and Scientific Coordinator of the Local Research Unit, University of Eastern Piedmont in "Social work and sustainable local development in Italy: towards eco-social work? -ECOSOW (2023-2025) - PRIN 2022 Project 2022WY5Z7P
Roles: Spoke 7 contributor, Scientific Coordinator of WP1 Task 1.4
Research interests