Biosketch: Architect, PhD in Architectural Technology. With the doctoral thesis ""ASD: architecturAbility. “Therapeutic” sensory environments to make able. A lifespan project for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders"" won the awards: FUP 2018 and Arch Giovanni Neri Serneri (ed XIII).
Currently research fellow at the Department of Architecture of the Universty of Florence (DIDA-UNIFI) in the project ""Sensory design for spaces of territorial socio-health structures for healthy and active aging"" - PNRR project PE8 AGE-IT “Aging Well in an Aging Society”.
She has contributed to many researches, including: ""Health promoting buildings and healthy neighborhoods. Territorial socio-health structures in the Tuscan health ecosystem"" - PNRR project ""THE-Tuscany Health Ecosystem"" (2023); ""Methods and tools to support healthcare institutions in the definition of the requirements framework and the analysis of design layouts"" for Terni Hospital (2022-23); ""Transformational Change for Birth Environment: Knowledge mobilization for a new architectural paradigm"" for OCAD University Toronto (2021); ""A.I.CARE Art, Identity and Care in public spaces of Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in Florence"" (DIDA-UNIFI) (2018).
Adjunct professor since 2019 in Building Systems Design, international i-Cad Architecture course, DIDA-UNIFI.
Co-founder, co-CEO, R&D coordinator since 2015 of DU IT, an innovative startup of sensory environments in hospitals, schools , social and healthcare buildings, in Italy and Europe; today DU IT is an engineering company who designs inclusive and sensorial architecture, such as: Humanization Project for the New Children's Hsospital of Padua; Co-housing for independent living, day center and sensory rooms for the Turati Foundation Onlus; Campus for Autism for USL Central Tuscany–Empolese Valdarno.
She also coordinated for DU IT the Ho2020–RISE project ""MinD - Designing for People with Dementia"" (2016-9) and ""P.I.S.T.A. - Sensory-perceptive integrated design approach for birth spaces "" (DIDA-UNIFI, Tuscany South-East health trust board, Grosseto Hospital, Tuscany Region, 2018-20).
Member of the Order of Architects of Florence, the TESIS Research Center, the SITdA-Italian Society of Architectural Technology, the CNETO-National Center for Hospital Construction and Technology, and the Italian Society of Hospital Technology.
Roles: Spoke 9 WP1 Task 1.2
Research interests