Biosketch: Erika Renzi, bachelor’s in Nursing, after the master’s degree in Nursing Sciences in 2020, continued her education in the field of Nursing Sciences with a Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Public Health at Sapienza University of Rome. Since 2023 she has been a research fellow in the Age-It Project at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases at Sapienza University of Rome. Her scientific interest concerns different aspects of Public Health Nursing, focusing on family and community nursing, the implementation of multicomponent interventions with new technologies and the study of organizational models of Primary Health Care. Other research interests are vaccine hesitancy in health care professionals and the general population and public health policies in managing infectious diseases in student populations.
Roles: Spoke 8 WP6 Task 6.2
Research interests