Biosketch: Klara Komici is a Geriatrician and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Molise, Italy. She is the Director of Residency Program in Internal Medicine, University of Molise. Currently she is collaborating as a task leader with the University of Naples and University of Padova for the Research Programme Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society) funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, spoke 4, work package 5: ''Tools to detect and prevent frailty in old age and causal effects of life-long interventions on healthy ageing'', taks 5.4: ''Screening tools for risk of frailty and pre-frailty: clinical utility of physical, mental, nutritional and social domains with laboratory tests, sensory loss evaluations and imaging domains''. Other projects where she is a coordinator are PRIN 2022 ''A wearable sysTem for moTion and glucosE joiNT monItOriNg for neurodegenerative disease status evaluation in elder people'', and ''ACCURATE'' Molise CTE, Salute, Wellness e Wellbeing del Cittadino, financed by Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy. Actually, she is Associate Editor for Frontiers in Medicine, section Geriatrics; Frontiers in Endocrinology, Section Cardiovascular Endocrinology. She is a member of the Italian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology and Italian Society of Internal Medicine. She is part of the scientific committee of SIGOT (Società Italiana di Geriatria Ospedale e Territorio). Her main area of research are: cardiorespiratory performance and ageing; cardiovascular ageing, frailty.
Roles: Spoke 4 WP5 TASK 5.4 collaborator
Research interests