Biosketch: Laura Ferrero obtained her Ph.D. in Anthropology at Turin University (Italy), where she now teaches Anthropology of the Middle East. She is now post Doc fellow at the University of Eastern Piedmont, where she is working on ageing and migration in the framework of the Research Programme Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society). She conducted research in Italy, Egypt, and Palestine. Her main research interests are gender and family in Arab-Muslim societies, migration studies, migrants’ access to health and housing rights. She is the author of Protagoniste in secondo piano. Femminilità egiziane tra mobilità e immobilità (CISU, 2018) and one of the editors of Embodying borders. A Migrant’s Right to Health, Universal Rights and Local Policies (Berghahn, 2021).
Roles: Spoke 7 WP3 Task 5 collaborator
Website: N/A
Research interests