Biosketch: Luisa Errichiello is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in Naples (NA). After graduating in Management Economics from the University of Naples Federico II, she obtained a PhD in Engineering and Economics of Innovation from the University of Salerno. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Southern Denmark, at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the IESEG School of Management in Paris under the CNR Short Term Mobility program. In 2019, she participated in the Short Term Scientific Mission program under the COST action 'CA18110 – Underground Built Heritage as a Catalyst for Community Valorisation,' conducting research at the development agency of the Green Karst Region (Slovenia). Her research activity is mainly focused on the management of innovation and change in organizations and networks, on the interplay between digital technologies and processes of organizing, on new ways of working mediated by ICTs (e.g., telework and hybrid work). She is coordinator in Italy of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RCGS), an international network of scholars and practioners interested in the transformation of work practices and new ways of working. Since 2022 she has been an adjunct professor at the University RomaTre for the course of Sustainable Economics and Business Management and from 2023 she has been appointed as a subject matter expert in business organization at the University Parthenope of Naples. She is associate editor of the Vilakshan – XIMB Journal of Management (Emerald) and is member of the editorial review board of Sustainable Future (Elsevier). In 2023, she won the “Emerald literati Awards 2023” as Outstanding Reviewer for the International Journal of Manpower (Emerald). In 2024, she serves as associate editor for the Literature Review track of the ICIS 2024 (Bangkok, Thailand, December 15-18), a conference of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). She has been serving as ad hoc reviewer for several international journals, including International Journal of Management Review, European Management Review, International Journal of Manpower, Journal of Public Affairs, Behaviour & Information Technology, Interacting with Computers, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and Journal of Sustainable Tourism, among others. She carried on research within several international and national projects, both as leader and team member, including the COST action CA18110 – Underground Built Heritage as a Catalyst for Community Valorisation, SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH - Smart Integrated Infrastructures for Data Social. Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Heritage Ecosystem and OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A. - ORganization of Cultural HEritage and Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility. She is currently CNR ISMed task leader in the PNRR project “Age-It: Ageing Well in an Ageing Society” in which she is combining quantitative and qualitative research to investigate the topic of job security and the role of social parts for improving the working conditions of older workers. Within the same project, she is also a team member within the CNR IRCrES task aimed at developing hybrid tools based artificial intelligence and econometric models for addressing work-life balance of an ageing workforce. The scientific results of ongoing research activities have been already presented at several international and national conferences and a special track has been organized within the AISRE 2024 conference (Turin, Italy, 4-6 September 2024). Broadly speaking, her research has been presented at several international conferences and workshops, including the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the European Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Egos Colloquium, RESER and IFKAD. She published her research in international journals anc chapters, such as Journal of Information Technology, European Management Review, Economics and Management of Services, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, and Facilities.
Roles: Spoke 6 WP1 Task 1.4 Leader, Spoke 6 WP2 Task 2.3 contributor
Research interests