Biosketch: Manuela Campisi is a researcher in Occupational Medicine at the Department of Cardio-Thoracic-Vascular Sciences and Public Health (DCTV) of the University of Padua. Her position is funded by the "PNRR Project - PE8 - AGE - IT - A Novel Public-Private Alliance to Generate Socioeconomic, Biomedical, and Technological Solutions for an Inclusive Italian Ageing Society."The topic of the project is “WP4.11- Epigenomics: the impact of the environment on ageing”, which falls under WP4-Omics approaches to ageing, and her work focuses on understanding how environmental factors influence biological aging through both epigenetic and genetic mechanisms. Her research addresses: Interaction of occupational/environmental, lifestyle, genetic/epigenetic factors on ageing and chronic diseases; study of molecular mechanisms of biological ageing and development of a methodology to determine systemic and organ biological age. Teaching activity: Occupational medicine, and workplace safety. Manuela holds a PhD in Pharmacological Sciences - research line in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, from the University of Padua with a dissertation entitled “Exploring mechanisms of biological aging in susceptible subjects”.
Roles: Spoke 3 WP4 Task 4.11