Biosketch: Architect, PhD in Architectural Design, University of Genoa, 1995; Post-graduate studies in Architectural Design, Roma 1991-92; • CEAA: Certificat d'Etudes Approfondies en Architecture "Theories et projets d'architecture", Ecole d'Architecture Paris-Villemin 1990-91; Post-graduate studies in "Theory of Architecture", Roma 1989-90. Full Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition (CEAR-09/A) since 2007 with the Faculty of Engineering at the Sapienza University. Coordinator of the PhD program in Engineering-Based Architecture and Urban Planning since 2018; Associate Investigator in the PhD Program in Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados. ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, since 2022. Director of the scientific journal: «Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica» since 2011 • Editor of the scientific journal «Area» since 1996; • Editor of the architecture and design journal «Materia» from 2000 al 2012. • Chief Editor or Linee, a periodical published by the DAU Department from 2005 to 2011. • Member of the Scientific Boards of various academic publications. Her research, editorial, and educational work deals with modern and contemporary architecture, the continuity of the relationship between design and heritage, the role of contemporary architecture in the historical city and innovative and experimental projects linked to questions of housing, and adaptive reuse. For many years her research has also focused on the architectural culture in some countries of the Global South, especially in Latin America. Or on the compositional and constructive aspects, according to a low-teach vision, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, and on issues related to housing, especially in the context of the regeneration of informal settlements. Her research focuses also on the architectural culture of Latin America. In recent years, her studies have concentrated on the compositional and construction aspects of developments in the Global South, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and on housing issues, including the regeneration of informal settlements. She is currently studying the development of co-living and co-housing for the well-being of the elderly population, from an architectural, urban, planning and social perspective. She has published essays and articles on her research topics, participated in national and international conferences and took part in design competitions. She is a founding member of the LAPIS research group - Laboratory on Housing, Project, Investigation, Experimentation at DICEA. She is author of over 200 texts: monographs, lectures during national and international conventions, magazine articles, essays and editorial projects. The majority of her recent published work was selected using the “double blind peer review" procedure.
Roles: Spoke 9 WP1 Task 1.4 contributor
Research interests