Biosketch: Marina De Rui is a Medical Doctor at the Geriatric Unit of the University Hospital of Padova. In 2018 she acquired PhD in Clinical nd Experimental Sciences - curriculum Hematological and Geriatric Sciences at the University of Padova. She is a contract Professor of Physiology of Aging at the School of Specialization in Geriatrics of the University of Padova, and a member of the teaching body of the PhD program in Clinical and Eperimental Sciences for the University of Padova. She is member of the scientific board of the "Accademia di Geriatria". Currently, she is Local PI for the agreement with AOPD of the Research Programme Age-It (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society) funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (~115 mil Euros). She is an Academic Editor for Plos One, Nutrients, Experimental Gerontology and Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Clinical and Basic Psychosomatics. Her research addresses cognitive decline, physical performance, frailty, nutrition and body composition, osteoporosis, polypharmacy, multidimensional geriatric assessment.
Roles: Spoke 3 WP5 Task 5.2 contributor
Website: N/A
Research interests