Biosketch: Nicoletta Setola, architect, since 2019 Associate Professor in Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture, UNIFI. She is teaching the Architectural Technology Laboratory and Environmental Design courses at the School of Architecture in Florence. She is a member of the TESIS Centre "Systems and Technologies for Health and Social Facilities", Member of European Network Architecture for Health (ENAH), and co-founder member of Global Birth Environment Design Network (GBEDN). She won: the 2009 2nd prize Rosalba La Creta from SITdA; the IME Award 2019 on Built Environment; the CNETO Award 2019 for the Best research project “Salutogenic Design for Birth Environment”. Her research focuses on the relationship between the built environment and human health, and how architecture can promote the people physical, psychological and social wellbeing in different spatial environments (urban environment and socio-healthcare buildings). She is expert in methodology and tools for spatial analysis Space Syntax. Currently she is involved in the PNRR projects PE8 AGE-IT “Aging Well in an Aging Society” and "THE-Tuscany Health Ecosystem" where she is addressing experimentation on the design of primary care facilities. She collaborates with foreign universities - Tonji University (CH), Chalmers University (SW), Notre Dame University (USA), OCAD Toronto (CA).
Roles: Spoke 9 WP1 Task 1.2
Research interests