Biosketch: Sandro De Falco is a CNR Research Director at IGB is collaborating in the PE8 -AgeIT project with Dr. Minchiotti on fibrosis studies in the choroid neo-vascularization model. He is the head of the laboratory for the study of angiogenesis, and his main interests are pathological angiogenesis associated with cancer and retinal diseases. He has received funding from the European Community, foundations such as AIRC and Telethon, as well as government agencies such as MUR and the Campania Region, and several private companies. Under the PNRR, it has also obtained funding in CN3 - Spoke 3 Neurodegeneration.t-inspired cues and unbiased high-throughput phenotypic screenings to investigate the mechanisms that control phenotypic plasticity in stem cell population and cancer cells in 2D culture and 3D self-organizing systems.
Roles: Spoke 2 WP2 Task 2.8 contributor
Research interests