Biosketch: Sara Mondini graduated in Psychology at the University of Padua (Italy) where she also obtained a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology. She spent many months abroad at different research places: the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London; the Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal (University of Montreal, Canada); and McGill University in Montreal. From 2004 she has had a permanent position at the University of Padua where she teaches Brain disorders and Behaviour across cultures and Assessment and diagnosis on Clinical neuropsychology in Master’s courses in Psychology and in post-graduate master courses of the same University. She is the Director of the Master’s degree course in Clinical Social and Intercultural Psychology and the post-graduate master’s degree in Psychological skills in intercultural settings at the University of Padua. Her research topics focus on cognitive impairment, especially in neurodegenerative diseases. She is the author of a number of studies on clinical neuropsychology, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive reserve, which have been published in peer-reviewed international journals. She has a lot of experience in clinical activity and she contributed to the development of psychometric tests She is a member of the Standing Committee of the Clinical Neuropsychology standing committee at EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations).
Roles: Spoke 4 WP5 Task 5.4 leader
Research interests