Biosketch: Research Director, Geriatrician and Epidemiologist, with significant experience in coordinating EU and National-funded epidemiological studies. Her research focuses on the epidemiology of aging and on the analysis of the major determinants of healthy aging through the life-course, with specific interest in nutrition and Immunization. She is a Board-Certified Geriatrician (University of Padua, Italy) and also obtained a Master in Public Health in Epidemiology and completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Training in Epidemiology, both at the Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, MD, USA. Dr. Maggi was the Coordinator of the Program for Research on Aging of WHO, from 1990 to 1993, based at NIA, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. She is currently working as Research Director at the CNR Aging Branch-Institute of Neuroscience in Padua and coordinating the national project on “Multicomponent interventions to improve functional and cognitive wellbeing in older adults in long term care facilities” in the frame program on Aging-The National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Dr. Maggi is President, European Interdisciplinary Council on Aging (EICA), President, Mediterranean Diet Foundation, Member EuGMS WG on Infectious diseases and vaccines, Member, Board of Directors, National Society of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Member, Accademia Galileiana di Lettere Scienze e Arti, Member, Board of Directors ESWI, Advisor, Adult Immunization Board, Member, AARP Governance Committee of The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH). Dr. Maggi is the author of about 500 publications in international journals of Medicine and Public Health, is Emeritus Editor in Chief of Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (Springer) and Series Editor of Practical Issues in Geriatrics (Springer).
Roles: Spoke 8 WP3 Leader
Research interests