Biosketch: Architect, PhD, Full Professor of Architectural Technology, PDTA Department, “Sapienza” University of Rome. She directed the Doctoral School (2016-19) and coordinated the DdR in "Architectural and Urban Engineering"(2015-18), directed the international Master “Architecture for Health” of ‘Sapienza’ (2011-13). She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Interuniversity Research Center TESIS Systems and technologies for health and social construction (Universities of Florence, Rome "Sapienza", Turin).
A founding member of STdA (Italian Society of Architectural Technology), she is a member of the Board of the magazine TECHNE' and of the scientific committee of Progettare per la Sanità. Since 1991 she has carried out study, research and experimentation activities in the SSD ICAR/12, highlighting the technological approach to architectural design and the centrality of the project in the building process, addressing the issues of quality in terms of technical and procedural tools in the field of programming and design of health and social structures, the subject of numerous publications and projects. Speaker at national and international conferences, she has participated in institutional commissions for the evaluation of projects (see Evaluation and Verification Unit for Public Investments, Ministry of Health, L.144/1999; Evaluation Unit of the Lazio Region/Health Department, Investment Program L.67/88 art.20 and L. 135/90), development of guidelines (see Hospital planner consultant for the technical, organizational and regional guiding principles for the construction and management of high-tech hospitals and assistance, Agency for Regional Health Services, 2002-2003) and technical regulations (see Structural requirements for residential palliative care centers - Hospices, L.38/2010, art.5, Ministry of Health). She is coordinator of WP1 and Task leader Task 1.3, Human centered design and evaluation, certifications, sustainability within the built environment, PNRR AGE-IT Aging well in an aging society - SPOKE 9.
Roles: Spoke 9 contributor, Spoke 9 WP1 coordinator, WP1 Task 1.3 coordinator
Research interests